A non-pipelined instruction execution unit operating at 2 GHz takes an average of 6 cycles to execute an instruction of a program P. The unit is then redesigned to operate on a 5-stage pipeline at 2 GHz. Assume that the ideal throughput of the pipelined unit is 1 instruction per cycle. In the execution of program P, 20% instructions incur an average of 2 cycles stall due to data hazards and 20% instructions incur an average of 3 cycles stall due to control hazards. The speedup (rounded off to one decimal place) obtained by the pipelined design over the non-pipelined design is ________
A processor uses a 32-bit instruction format and supports byte-addressable memory access. The ISA of the processor has 150 distinct instructions. The instructions are equally divided into two types, namely R-type and I-type, whose formats are shown below.
R-type Instruction Format:
OPCODE | UNUSED | DST Register | SRC Register1 | SRC Register2 |
I-type Instruction Format:
OPCODE | DST Register | SRC Register | # Immediate value/address |
In the OPCODE, 1 bit is used to distinguish between I-type and R-type instructions and the remaining bits indicate the operation. The processor has 50 architectural registers, and all register fields in the instructions are of equal size.
Let X be the number of bits used to encode the UNUSED field, Y be the number of bits used to encode the OPCODE field, and Z be the number of bits used to encode the immediate value/address field. The value of X + 2Y + Z is __________.
You are given a set $V$ of distinct integers. A binary search tree $T$ is created by inserting all elements of $V$ one by one, starting with an empty tree. The tree $T$ follows the convention that, at each node, all values stored in the left subtree of the node are smaller than the value stored at the node. You are not aware of the sequence in which these values were inserted into $T$, and you do not have access to $T$.
Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
Consider the following expression: $x[i] = (p + r) * -s[i] + \frac{u}{w}$. The following sequence shows the list of triples representing the given expression, with entries missing for triples (1), (3), and (6).
(0) | + | p | r |
(1) | |||
(2) | uminus | (1) | |
(3) | |||
(4) | / | u | w |
(5) | + | (3) | (4) |
(6) | |||
(7) | = | (6) | (5) |
Which one of the following options fills in the missing entries CORRECTLY?