Consider an array X that contains n positive integers. A subarray of X is defined to be a sequence of array locations with consecutive indices.
The C code snippet given below has been written to compute the length of the longest subarray of X that contains at most two distinct integers. The code has two missing expressions labelled (P) and (Q).
int first=0, second=0, len1=0, len2=0, maxlen=0; for (int i=0; i < n; i++) { if (X[i] == first) { len2++; len1++; } else if (X[i] == second) { len2++; len1 = (P); second = first; } else { len2 = (Q); len1 = 1; second = first; } if (len2 > maxlen) { maxlen = len2; } first = X[i]; }
Which one of the following options gives the CORRECT missing expressions?
(Hint: At the end of the i-th iteration, the value of len1 is the length of the longest subarray ending with X[i] that contains all equal values, and len2 is the length of the longest subarray ending with X[i] that contains at most two distinct values.)
Which one of the following regular expressions is equivalent to the language accepted by the DFA given below?
Let M be the 5-state NFA with ε-transitions shown in the diagram below.

Which one of the following regular expressions represents the language accepted by M?
Consider a context-free grammar $G$ with the following 3 rules.
$S \rightarrow aS, \ S \rightarrow aSbS, S \rightarrow c$
Let $w \in L(G)$.
Let $n_a(w)$, $n_b(w)$, $n_c(w)$ denote the number of times $a$, $b$, $c$ occur in $w$, respectively. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?