An instruction format has the following structure:
Instruction Number: Opcode destination reg, source reg-1, source reg-2
Consider the following sequence of instructions to be executed in a pipelined processor:
I1: DIV R3, R1, R2
I2: SUB R5, R3, R4
I3: ADD R3, R5, R6
I4: MUL R7, R3, R8
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
A processor with 16 general purpose registers uses a 32-bit instruction format. The instruction format consists of an opcode field, an addressing mode field, two register operand fields, and a 16-bit scalar field. If 8 addressing modes are to be supported, the maximum number of unique opcodes possible for every addressing mode is _________
A non-pipelined instruction execution unit operating at 2 GHz takes an average of 6 cycles to execute an instruction of a program P. The unit is then redesigned to operate on a 5-stage pipeline at 2 GHz. Assume that the ideal throughput of the pipelined unit is 1 instruction per cycle. In the execution of program P, 20% instructions incur an average of 2 cycles stall due to data hazards and 20% instructions incur an average of 3 cycles stall due to control hazards. The speedup (rounded off to one decimal place) obtained by the pipelined design over the non-pipelined design is ________
A processor uses a 32-bit instruction format and supports byte-addressable memory access. The ISA of the processor has 150 distinct instructions. The instructions are equally divided into two types, namely R-type and I-type, whose formats are shown below.
R-type Instruction Format:
OPCODE | UNUSED | DST Register | SRC Register1 | SRC Register2 |
I-type Instruction Format:
OPCODE | DST Register | SRC Register | # Immediate value/address |
In the OPCODE, 1 bit is used to distinguish between I-type and R-type instructions and the remaining bits indicate the operation. The processor has 50 architectural registers, and all register fields in the instructions are of equal size.
Let X be the number of bits used to encode the UNUSED field, Y be the number of bits used to encode the OPCODE field, and Z be the number of bits used to encode the immediate value/address field. The value of X + 2Y + Z is __________.