Trigonometric Ratios & Identities · Mathematics · AP EAPCET

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AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
$$\tan 2 \alpha \cdot \tan (30 Y-\alpha)+\tan 2 \alpha \cdot \tan (60 Y-\alpha)+\tan (60 \Upsilon-\alpha) \cdot \tan (30 \gamma-\alpha)$$ is equal to...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
If $$\sin \alpha - \cos \alpha = m$$ and $$\sin 2\alpha = n - {m^2}$$, where $$ - \sqrt 2 \le m \le \sqrt 2 $$, then n is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
If $$\sinh u=\tan \theta$$, then $$\cosh u$$ is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
In a $$\triangle A B C$$, if $$3 \sin A+4 \cos B=6$$ and $$4 \sin B+3 \cos A=1$$, then $$\sin (A+B)$$ is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
$$\tan \alpha+2 \tan 2 \alpha+4 \tan 4 \alpha+8 \cot 8 \alpha$$ is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
If $$f(x)=\frac{\cot x}{1+\cot x}$$ and $$\alpha+\beta=\frac{5 \pi}{4}$$, then the value of $$f(\alpha) f(\beta)$$ is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
In $$\triangle A B C \cdot \frac{a+b+c}{B C+A B}+\frac{a+b+c}{A C+A B}=3$$, then $$\tan \frac{C}{8}$$ is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
Mean of the values $$\sin ^2 10 \Upsilon, \sin ^2 20 \Upsilon, \sin ^2 30 \Upsilon, \ldots \ldots \ldots ., \sin ^2 90 Y$$ is
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
When the coordinate axes are rotated through an angle 135$$\Upsilon$$, the coordinates of a point $$P$$ in the new system are known to be $$(4,-3)$$. ...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
The maximum value of $$f(x)=\sin (x)$$ in the interval $$\left[\frac{-\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2}\right]$$ is
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
What is the value of $$\cos \left(22 \frac{1}{2}\right)^{\circ}$$ ?
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
If $$\cos \theta=-\sqrt{\frac{3}{2}}$$ and $$\sin \alpha=\frac{-3}{5}$$, where '$$\theta$$' does not lie in the third quadrant, then the value of $$\f...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
If $$\tan \beta=\frac{\tan \alpha+\tan \gamma}{1+\tan \alpha \tan \gamma}$$, then $$\frac{\sin 2 \alpha+\sin 2 \gamma}{1+\sin 2 \alpha \sin 2 \gamma}$...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
The sides of a triangle inscribed in a given circle subtend angles $$\alpha, \beta, \gamma$$ at the center. The minimum value of the AM of $$\cos \lef...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
When the axes are rotated through an angle 45$$^\circ$$, the new coordinates of a point P are (1, $$-$$1). The coordinates of P in the original system...
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