Straight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines · Mathematics · AP EAPCET

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AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
If the axes are rotated through an angle $$45 \Upsilon$$, the coordinates of the point $$(2 \sqrt{2},-3 \sqrt{2})$$ in the new system are
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
the sum of the squares of the intercepts made the line $$5x-2y=10$$ on the coordinate axes equals
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
For three consecutive odd integers $$a \cdot b$$ and $$c$$, if the variable line $$a x+b y+c=0$$ always passes through the point $$(\alpha, \beta)$$, ...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
If $$2x+3y+4=0$$ is the perpendicular bisector of the line segment joining the points A(1, 2) and B($$\alpha,\beta$$), then the value of $$13\alpha+13...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
The equation of the pair of straight lines perpendicular to the pair $$2 x^2+3 x y+2 y^2+10 x+5 y=0$$ and passing though the origin is
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
If the centroid of the triangle formed by the lines $$2 y^2+5 x y-3 x^2=0$$ and $$x+y=k$$ is $$\left(\frac{1}{18}, \frac{11}{18}\right)$$, then the va...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
If $$m_1$$ and $$m_2,\left(m_1>m_2\right)$$ are the slopes of the lines represented by $$5 x^2-8 x y+3 y^2=0$$, then $$m_1: m_2$$ equals
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Morning Shift
If the slope of one of the lines represented by $$a x^2+2 h x y+b y^2=0$$ is the square of the other then, $$\left|\frac{a+b}{h}+\frac{8 h^2}{a b}\rig...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
If $$A(4,7), B(-7,8)$$ and $$C(1,2)$$ are the vertices of $$\triangle A B C$$, then the equation of perpendicular bisector of the side $$A B$$ is...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
The ratio in which the straight line $$3 x+4 y=6$$ divides the join of the points $$(2,-1)$$ and $$(1,1)$$ is
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
Find the equation of a line passing through the point $$(4,3)$$, which cuts a triangle of minimum area from the first quadrant.
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
If the orthocenter of the triangle formed by the lines $$2 x+3 y-1=0, x+2 y+1=0$$ and $$a x+b y-1=0$$ lies at origin, then $$\frac{1}{a}+\frac{1}{b}$$...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
The equation $$8 x^2-24 x y+18 y^2-6 x+9 y-5=0$$ represents a
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
Find the angle between the pair of lines represented by the equation $$x^2+4 x y+y^2=0$$.
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
If the acute angle between lines $$a x^2+2 h x y+b y^2=0$$ is $$\frac{\pi}{4}$$, then $$4 h^2$$ is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 19th August Evening Shift
The angle between the lines represented by $$\cos \theta(\cos \theta+1) x^2-\left(2 \cos \theta+\sin ^2 \theta\right) x y+(1-\cos \theta) y^2=0$$ is...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
Find the equation of a straight line passing through $$(-5,6)$$ and cutting off equal intercepts on the coordinate axes.
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
Line has slope $$m$$ and $$y$$-intercept 4 . The distance between the origin and the line is equal to
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
The equation of the base of an equilateral triangle is $$x+y=2$$ and one vertex is $$(2,-1)$$, then the length of the side of the triangle is
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
The equation of a straight line which passes through the point $$\left(a \cos ^3 \theta, a \sin ^3 \theta\right)$$ and perpendicular to $$(x \sec \the...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
The acute angle between lines $$6 x^2+11 x y-10 y^2=0$$ is
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
If the lines, joining the origin to the points of intersection of the curve $$2 x^2-2 x y+3 y^2+2 x-y-1=0$$ and the line $$x+2 y=k$$, are at right ang...
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
The equation of bisector of the angle between the lines represented by $$3 x^2-5 x y+4 y^2=0$$ is
AP EAPCET 2021 - 20th August Morning Shift
If the bisectors of the pair of lines $$x^2-2 m x y-y^2=0$$ is represented by $$x^2-2 n x y-y^2=0$$, then
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