A catchment may be idealized as a circle of radius 30 km. There are five rain gauges, one at the center of the catchment and four on the boundary (equi-spaced), as shown in the figure (not to scale).
The annual rainfall recorded at these gauges in a particular year are given below.
$$ \begin{array}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline \text { Gauge } & \mathrm{G}_1 & \mathrm{G}_2 & \mathrm{G}_3 & \mathrm{G}_4 & \mathrm{G}_5 \\ \hline \text { Rainfall }(\mathrm{mm}) & 910 & 930 & 925 & 895 & 905 \\ \hline \end{array} $$
Using the Thiessen polygon method, what is the average rainfall (in mm, rounded off to two decimal places) over the catchment in that year? ________

Identify the cross-drainage work in the figure.

Consider the singly reinforced section of a cantilever concrete beam under bending, as shown in the figure (M25 grade concrete, Fe415 grade steel). The stress block parameters for the section at ultimate limit state, as per IS 456: 2000 notations, are given. The ultimate moment of resistance for the section by the Limit State Method is ________ kN.m (round off to one decimal place).
[Note: Here, As is the total area of tension steel bars, b is the width of the section, d is the effective depth of the bars, fck is the characteristic compressive cube strength of concrete, fy is the yield stress of steel, and xu is the depth of neutral axis.]