NEET 2013
Paper was held on Sun, May 5, 2013 10:00 AM
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Which one of the following is not a correct statement?
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Which of the following are likely to be present in deep sea water?
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Pigment containing membranous extensions in some cyanobacteria are
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Select the wrong statement
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Isogamous condition with non-flagellated gametes is found in
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Monoecious plant of Chara shows occurrence of
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Read the following statements (A - E) and answer the question which follows them. (A)   In liverworts, mo
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Which of the following are correctly matched with respect to their taxonomic classification?
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One of the representatives of Phylum Arthropoda is
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Match the name of the animal (column I), with one characteristic (column II), and the phylum/class (column III) to which
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Which group of animals belong to the same phylum?
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Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, china rose, lupin, cucumber, sunhemp, gram, guava, beam, chilli, plum, pe
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In China rose the flowers are
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A phosphoglyceride is always made up of
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Macromolecule chitin is
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The essential chemical components of many coenzymes are
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Transition state structure of the substrate formed during an enzymatic reaction is
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The complex formed by a pair of synapsed homologous chromosomes is called
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Which of the metabolites is common to respiration-mediated breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins?
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The three boxes in this diagram represent the three major biosynthetic pathway in aerobic respiration. Arrows represent
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During seed germination its stored food is mobilized by
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The diagram given here is the standard ECG of a normal person. The P-wave represents the
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The H-zone in the skeletal muscle fibre is due to
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Select the correct statement with respect to locomotion in humans.
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The characteristic and an example of a synovial joint in humans is
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The most abundant intracellular cation is
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Which of the following statements is correct in relation to the endocrine system?
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A pregnant female delivers a baby who suffers from stunted growth, mental retardation, low intelligence quotient and abn
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Select the answer which correctly matches the endocrine gland with the hormone it secretes and its function/deficiency s
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Seed coat is not thin, membranous in
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Meiosis takes place in
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Perisperm differs from endosperm in
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Advantage of cleistogamy is
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Megasporangium is equivalent to
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Which one of the following statements is correct?
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Product of sexual reproduction generally generates
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What is the correct sequence of sperm formation?
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Which of the following is not the function of placenta?
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Menstrual flow occurs due to lack of :
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Artificial insemination means :
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One of the legal methods of birth control is :
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Select the incorrect statement with regard to Haemophilia is :
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Which idea is depicted by a cross in which the F1 generation resembles both the parents?
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If two persons with 'AB' blood group marry and have sufficiently large number of children, these children could be class
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Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing foetus by amniocentesis ?
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If both parents are carriers for thalessemia, which is an autosomal recessive disorder, what are the chances of pregnanc
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The diagram shows an important concept in the genetic implication of DNA. Fill in the blanks A to C.
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Which enzyme will be produced in a cell in which there is a non-sense mutation in the lac Y gene ?
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Which of the following statements is not true of two genes that show 50% recombination frequency ?
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According to Darwin, the organic evolution is due to -
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The tendency of population to remain in genetic equilibrium may be disturbed by :
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Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. This is referred
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The process by which organisms with different evolutionary history evolve similar phenotypic adaptations in response to
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The eye of octopus and eye of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they perform similar function, This is an ex
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Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by :
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A good producer of citric acid is
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DNA fragments generated by the restriction endonucleases in a chemical reaction can be separated by :
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Which of the following is not corretly matched for the organism and its cell wall degrading enzyme ?
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The colonies of recombinat bacteria appear white in contrast to blue colonies of non-recombinant bacteria because of :
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Which of the following Bt crops is being grown in India by the farmers ?
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A sedentary sea anemone gets attached to the shell lining of hermit crab. The association is :
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Besides paddy fields, cyanobacteria are also found inside vegetative part of :
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A biologist studied the population of rats in a barn, He found that the average natality was 250, average mortality 240,
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Natural reservoir of phosphorus is :
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Which one of the following processes during decomposition is correctly described ?
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Secondary productivity is rate of formation of new organic matter by :
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Which one of the following is not used for ex situ plant conservation?
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Which of the following represent maximum number of species among global biodiversity ?
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Which of the following represent maximum number of species among global biodiversity ?
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Lenticels are involved in
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Age of a tree can be estimated by :
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Interfascicular cambium develops from the cells of :
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What external changes are visible after the last moult of a cockroach nymph ?
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Which one of the following organelle in the figure correctly matches with its function ?
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A major site for synthesis of lipids is :
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The Golgi complex plays a major role :
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A stage in cell division is shown in the figure. Select the answer which gives correct identification of the stage with
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The figure shows a diagrammatic view of human respiratory system with labels A, B, C and D. Select the option which give
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The given figure shows schematic plan of blood circulation in humans with labels A to D. Identify the label and give its
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Parts A, B, C and D of the human eye are shown in the diagram. Select the option which gives correct identification alon
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A diagram showing axon terminal and synapse is given. Identify correctly at least two of A - D.
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Figure shows human urinary system with structures labelled A to D. Select option which correctly identifies them and giv
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6.02 $$ \times $$ 1020 molecules of urea present in 100 mL of its solution. The concentration of solution is
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What is the maximum numbers of electrons that can be associated with the following set of quantum numbers ? n = 3, $$l$
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Based on equation E = $$-$$ 2.178 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$18 J $$\left( {{{{Z^2}} \over {{n^2}}}} \right)$$, certain conclus
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The value of Planck's constant is 6.63 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$34 J s. The speed of light is 3 $$ \times $$ 1017 mm s$$-$$1
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Which of the following is electron-deficient ?
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XeF2 is isostructural with
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Dipole-induced dipole interactions are present in which of the following pairs
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Which of the following is a polar molecule?
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Which of the following is paramagnetic?
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A reaction having equal energies of activation for forward and reverse reactions has
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KMnO4 can be prepared from K2MnO4 as per the reaction, 3MnO42$$-$$ + 2H2O $$\rightleftharpoons$$ 2MnO4$$-$$ + MnO2 +
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Which of these is least likely to act as a lewis base ?
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The radical, is aromatic because it has
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Structure of the compound whose IUPAC name is 3-Ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methylhex-3-en-5-ynoic acid is
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Some meta-directing substituents in aromatic substitution are given. Which one is most deactivating ?
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The structure of isobutyl group in an organic compound is
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Which of the following compounds will not undergo Friedal-Craft's reaction easily?
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Among the following ethers, which one will produce methyl alcohol on treatment with hot concentrated HI?
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The order of stability of the following tautomeric compounds is
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Reaction by which benzaldehyde cannot be prepared
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Nitrobenzene on reaction with conc. HNO3/H2SO4 at 80$$-$$100oC forms which one of the following products?
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In the reaction A is
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How many grams of concentrated nitric acid solution should be used to prepare 250 mL of 2.0 M HNO3? The concentrated ac
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At 25oC molar conductance of 0.1 molar aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is 9.54 ohm$$-$$1 cm2 mol$$-$$1 and at inf
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A button cell used in watches function as following. Zn(s) + Ag2O(s) + H2O(l) $$\rightleftharpoons$$ 2Ag(s) + Zn2+(aq)
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A hydrogen gas electrode is made by dipping platinum wire in a solution of HCl of pH = 10 and by passing hydrogen gas ar
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What is the activation energy for a reaction if its rate doubles when the temperature is raised from 20oC to 35oC? (R =
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Which of these is not a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer?
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The basic structural unit of silicates is
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Which of the following structure is similar to graphite?
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Which is the strongest acid in the following?
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Which one of the following molecules contains no $$\pi $$ bond?
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Which of the following does not give oxygen on heating?
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Which of the following lanthanoid ions is diamagnetic? (At. nos. Ce = 58, Sm = 62, Eu = 63, Yb = 70)
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Identify the correct order of solubility in aqueous medium.
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Which of the following statements about the interstitial compounds is incorrect?
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A magnetic moment at 1.73 BM will be shown by one among of the following
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An excess of AgNO3 is added to 100 mL of a 0.01 M solution of dichlorotetraaquachromium (III) chloride. The number of
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If an experiment four quantities a, b, c and d are measured with percentage error 1%, 2%, 3% and 4% respectively. Quant
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A stone falls freely under gravity. It covers distances h1, h2 and h3 in the first 5 seconds, the next 5 seconds and th
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The velocity of a projectile at the initial point A is $$\left( {2\widehat i + 3\widehat j} \right)$$ m/s. It's velocity
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An explosion breaks a rock into three parts in a horizontal plane. Two of them go off at right angles to each other. Th
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The upper half of an inclined plane of inclination $$\theta $$ is perfectly smooth while lower half is rough. A block st
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Three blocks with masses m, 2m and 3m are connected by strings, as shown in the figure. After an upward force F is appli
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A uniform force of $$\left( {3\widehat i + \widehat j} \right)$$ newton acts on a particle of mass 2 kg. Hence the parti
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A small object of uniform density rolls up a curved surface with an initial velocity 'v'. It reaches upto a maximum heig
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A rod PQ of mass M and length L is hinged at end P. The rod is kept horizontal by a massless string tied to point Q as s
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A body of mass 'm' is taken from the earth's surface to the height equal to twice the radius (R) of the earth. The chang
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Infinite number of bodies, each of mass 2 kg are situated on x-axis at distance 1 m, 2 m, 4 m, 8 m, . . . , respectively
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A piece of iron is heated in a flame. It first becomes dull red then becomes reddish yellow and finally turns to white h
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The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume are denoted by Cp and Cv, respectively. If &nbs
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The following four wires are made of the same material. Which of these will have the largest extension when the same ten
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The wettability of a surface by a liquid depends primarily on
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The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of Helium at NTP, from T1K to T2K is
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During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its temperature. The ratio
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In the given (V $$-$$ T) diagram, what is the relation between pressure P1 and P2?
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A gas is taken through the cycle A $$ \to $$ B $$ \to $$ C $$ \to $$ A, as shown. what is the net work done by the gas
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If we study the vibration of a pipe open at both ends. then the following statement is not true.
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A wave travelling in the + ve x-direction having displacement along y-direction as 1 m, wavelength 2$$\pi $$ m and freq
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A source of unknown frequency gives 4 beats/s when sounded with a source of known frquency 250 Hz. The second harmonic o
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Two pith balls carrying equal charges are suspended from a common point by strings of equal length, the equilibrium sepa
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A, B and C are three points in a uniform electric field. The electric potential is
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The resistances of the four arms P, Q, R and S in a Wheatstone's bridge are 10 ohm, 30 ohm, 30 ohm and 90 ohm, respectiv
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The internal resistance of a 2.1 V cell which gives a current of 0.2 A through a resistance of 10 $$\Omega $$ is
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A wire of resistance 4 $$\Omega $$ is stretched to twice its original length. The resistance of stretched wire would be
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When a proton is released from rest in a room, it starts with an initial acceleration $$a$$0 towards west. When it is pr
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A current loop in a magnetic field
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A bar magnet of length $$'l'$$ and magnetic dipole moment 'M' is bent in the form of an arc as shown in figure. The new
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A wire loop is rotated in a magnetic field. The frequency of change of direction of the induced e.m.f. is
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A coil of self-inductance L is connected in series with a bulb B and an AC source. Brightness of the bulb decreases when
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The condition under which a microwave oven heats up a food item containing water molecules most efficiently is
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A plano convex lens fits exactly into a plano concave lens. Their plane surfaces are parallel to each other. If lenses a
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For a normal eye, the cornea of eye provides a converging power of 40 D and the least converging power of the eye lens b
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In Young's double slit experiment, the slits are 2 mm apart and are illuminated by photons of two wavelengths $${\lambda
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A parallel beam of fast moving electrons is incident normally on a narrow slit. A fluorescent screen is placed at a larg
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For photoelectric emission from certain metal the cutoff frequency is $$\upsilon $$. If radiation of frequency 2$$\upsil
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The wavelength $$\lambda $$e of an electron and $$\lambda $$p of a photon of same energy E are related by
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Ratio of longest wave lengths corresponding to Lyman and Balmer series in hydrogen spectrum is
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A certain mass of Hydrogen is changed to Helium by the process of fusion. The mass defect in fusion reaction is 0.02866
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The output (X) of the logic circuit shown ion figure will be
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