AIPMT 2000
Paper was held on Sun, May 7, 2000 10:00 AM
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Black rust of wheat is caused by
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A student observed an algae with chlorophyll a, b and phycoerythrin, it should belong to
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In ferns, meiosio takes place at the time of
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Plant group with largest ovule, largest tree, and largest gametes is
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Cleavage in mammals is
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Which of the following animals have scattered cells with cell - tissue grade organisation?
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Similarly in Ascaris lumbricoides and Anopheles stephensi is
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What happens if bone of frog is kept in dilute hydrochloric acid?
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Which of the following characters is absent in all chordates?
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What is true for mammalia?
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Pneumatophores are found in
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Hair found in the inflorescence of Zea mays are the modification of
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Geocarpic fruits is
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Role of enzyme in reactions is to/as
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Which factor is responsible for inhibition of enzymatic process during feedback?
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Enzymes are not found in
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Which of the following have carbohydrate as prosthetic group?
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Spindle fibre unite with which structure of chromosomes?
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In which stage of cell cycle, DNA replication occurs?
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For assimilation of one CO2 molecule, the enerrgy required in from of ATP and NADPH2 are
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For the synthesis of one glucose molecule the Calvin cycle operates for
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Which is the first CO2 acceptor enzyme in C4 plants?
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The first step for initiation of photosynthesis will be
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If the apical bud has been removed then we observe
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By which action a seed coat becomes permeable to water
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Which hormone is responsible for fruit ripening?
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Differennce between pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein is that, the pulmonary artery has
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In which point, pulmonary artery is different from pulmonary vein?
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Which statement is true for WBC?
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Concentration of urine depends upon which organ?
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Conversion of ammonia to urea is done by
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Sternum is connected to ribs by
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What is the name of joint between ribs and sternum?
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Bone related with skull is
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Depolarization of axolema during nerve conduction takes place because of
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Melatonin is secreted by
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Which gland secretes odorous secretion in mammals?
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MSH is secreted by
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Eight nucleated embryo sac is
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Endosperm is formed during the double fertilization by
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Blastopore is the pore of :
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What is the work of progesteron which is present in oral contraceptive pills :
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What is the work of copper T :
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According to mendelism which character is showing dominance ?
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Due to the cross between TTRr × ttrr the resultant progenies showed how many percent plants tall, red flowered :
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Mongolian idiots are due to trisomy in 21st chromosome is called :
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Erythroblastosis foetalis is caused when :
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In Drosophila the XXY condition leads to femaleness whereas in human beings the same condition leads to Klienfelter's sy
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Which of the following is initiation codon ?
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Method of DNA replication in which two strands of DNA separates and synthesize new strands
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Anticodon occurs in :
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Length of one loop of B- DNA :
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In three dimensional view the molecule of t-RNA is :
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Similarity in DNA and RNA :
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Which is not a vestigial organ in man ?
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Character which is closely related to human evolution
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Which evidence of evolution related to Darwin's finches ?
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Homo sapiens have evolved in
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Who is directly related to man ?
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Which is the most important factor for continuity of a species from evolutionary point of view ?
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Which disease of man is similar with cattle's, bovine spongyform encephalopathy ?
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Which is showing accurate pairing ?
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Saline solution is given to patients of Cholera because
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Which aquatic fern is used to increase the yield in paddy crop ?
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Which of the following is used to manufacture ethanol from starch ?
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The bacteria generally used for genetic engineering is :
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Plasmid has been used as vector because :
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Which is the reason for highest biomass in aquatic ecosystem ?
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Viable material of endangered species can be preserved by :
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Indri-indri lemur is found in :
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What happens in plants during vascularisation ?
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Characteristic of simple epithelium is that they
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Proteoglycan in cartilages which is part of polysaccharide is
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Which pair is correct ?
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Primary function of enteronephric nephridia of Pheretima :
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Which of the following ribosomes are engaged in protein synthesis in animal cell ?
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Lysosome contains :
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Function of telomeres in nucleus is
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Which cell organelle is concerned with glycosylation of protein ?
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In quantitative analysis of second group in laboratory, H2S gas is passed in acidic medium for precipitation. When Cu2+
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Volume of CO2 obtained by the complete decomposition of 9.85 g of BaCO3 is
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Oxidation numbers of A, B, C are + 2, +5 and $$-$$2 respectively. Possible formula of compound is
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For given energy, E = 3.03 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$19 Joules corresponding wavelength is (h = 6.626 $$ \times $$ 10$$-$$34
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Isoelectronic species are
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Which statement is wrong ?
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d$$\pi $$ $$-$$ p$$\pi $$ bond present in
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Which species does not exhibit paramagnetism?
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Right order of dissociation energy N2 and N2+ is
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Cell reaction is spontaneous when
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The entropy change in the fusion of one mole of a solid melting at 27oC (latent heat of fusion is 2930 J mol–1) is :
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2Zn + O2 $$ \to $$ 2ZnO;  $$\Delta $$Go = $$-$$ 616 J 2Zn + S2 $$ \to $$ 2ZnS;  $$\Delta $$Go = $$-$
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For the reaction, C2H5OH(l) + 3O2(g) $$ \to $$ 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) which one is true
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Conjugate acid of NH2$$-$$ is
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Which statement is wrong about pH and H+?
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For any reversible reaction, if we increase concentration of the reactants, then effect on equilibrium constant
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Equilibrium constant Kp for following reaction MgCO3(s) $$\rightleftharpoons$$ MgO(s) + CO2(g)
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Which reagent converts propene to 1-propanol ?
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Which is maximum stable?
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In Friedel-Crafts reaction , toluene can be prepared by
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Increasing order of electrophilic substitution for following compounds
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Dihedral angle in staggered form of ethane is
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2-Butene shows geometrical isomerism due to
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First product of the reaction between RCHO and NH2NH2 is
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Reduction by LiAlH4 of hydrolysed product of an ester gives
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Benzoic acid may be converted into ethyl benzoate by reaction with :
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Polarisation in acrolein can be described as
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then A is
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$$\alpha $$ -$$D$$-glucose and $$\beta $$-$$D$$-glucose are
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Mg is present in
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Which one is responsible for production of energy in bio-reaction?
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From the colligative properties of solution, which one is the best method for the determination of molecular weight of p
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Equivalent conductances of Ba2+ and Cl$$-$$ ions are 127 and 76 ohm$$-$$1 cm$$-$$1 eq$$-$$1 respectively. Equivalent con
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For the disproportionation of copper 2Cu+  $$ \to $$ Cu2+ + Cu, Eo is (Given Eo for Cu2+/Cu is 0.34 V and E
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How enzymes increases the rate of reactions
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For the reaction H+ + BrO$$_3^ - $$ + 3Br$$-$$ $$ \to $$ 5Br2 + H2O which of the following relation correctly represents
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Which compound is electron deficient?
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Which compound has planar structure?
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Which ion is colourless?
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Which of the following shows maximum number of oxidation states?
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A 300 grams radioactive sample at initial half life is 3 hours. After 18 hours remaining quantity
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Shape of Fe(CO)5 is
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Which complex compound will give four isomers?
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Which pair do not have equal dimensions ?
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Motion of a particle is given by equation s = (3t3 + 7t2 + 14t + 8) m. The value of acceleration of the particle at t =
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The width of river is 1 km. The velocity of boat is 5 km/hr. The boat covered the width of river in shortest time 15 min
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Two projectiles of same mass and with same velocity are thrown at an angle 60o and 30o with the horizontal, then which w
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A man is slipping on a frictionless inclined plane and a bag falls down from the same height. Then the velocity of both
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A body of mass 3 kg hits a wall at an angle of 60o and returns at the same angle. The impact time was 0.2 sec. The force
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Two masses as shown in the figure are suspended from a massless pulley. The acceleration of the system when masses are l
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If $$\overrightarrow F = \left( {60\widehat i + 15\widehat j - 3\widehat k} \right)$$ N and $$\overrightarrow v = \lef
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A mass of 1 kg is thrown up with a velocity of 100 m/s. After 5 seconds, it explodes into two parts. One part of mass 40
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For the adjoining diagram, the correct relation between I1, I2, and I3 is, (I-moment of inertia)
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For a hollow cylinder and a solid cylinder rolling without slipping on an inclined plane, then which of these reaches ea
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As shown in the figure at point O a mass is performing vertical circular motion. The average velocity of the particle is
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For a planet having mass equal to mass of the earth but radius is one fourth of radius of the earth. Then escape velocit
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Gravitational force is required for
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A body of weight 72 N moves from the surface of earth at a height half of the radius of earth, then gravitational force
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A black body has maximum wavelength $$\lambda $$m at 2000 K. Its corresponding wavelength at 3000 K will be
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To find out degree of freedom, the expansion is
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The (W/Q) of a Carnot engine is 1/6, now the temperature of sink is reduced by 62oC, then this ratio becomes twice, ther
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Two masses $$M$$A and $$M$$B are hung from two strings of length $$l$$A and $$l$$B respectively. They are executing SHM
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The bob of simple pendulum having length $$l$$, is displaced from mean position to an angular position q with respect to
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The equations of two waves acting in perpendicular directions are given as x = $$a$$cos($$\omega $$t +$$\delta $$) and
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A string is cut into three parts, having fundamental frequencies n1, n2, n3 respectively. Then original fundamental fre
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Electric field at centre O of semicircle of radius $$a$$ having linear charge density $$\lambda $$ given as
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A charge Q is situated at the corner of a cube, the electric flux passed through all the six faces of the cube is
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A capacitor is charged with a battery and energy stored is U. After disconnecting battery another capacitor of same capa
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The net resistance of the circuit between A and B is
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A car battery of emf 12 V and internal resistance $$5 \times {10^{ - 2}}$$ $$\Omega $$., receives a current of 60 amp, f
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Two bulbs of (40 W, 200 V), and (100 W, 200 V). Then correct relation for their resistances
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The potentiometer is best for measuring voltage, as
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The magnetic field at centre, P will be
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The frequency order for $$\gamma $$-rays (a), X-rays (b), UV rays (c) is
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A bubble in glass slab ($$\mu $$ = 1.5) when viewed from one side appears at 5 cm and 2 cm from other side, then thickne
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Rainbow is formed due to
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For a plano convex lens ($$\mu $$ = 1.5) has radius of curvature 10 cm. It is silvered on its plane surface. Find focal
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A tall man of height 6 feet, want to see his full image. Then required minimum length of the mirror will be
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By photoelectric effect, Einstein proved
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Who evaluated the mass of electron infirectly with help of charge
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Nuclear fission is best explained by
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When an electron does transition from n = 4 to n = 2, then emitted line spectrum will be
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Maximum frequency of emission is obtained for the transition
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The cations and anions are arranged in alternate form in
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From the following diode circuit, which diode is in forward biased condition
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