Consider the fillet-welded lap joint shown in the figure (not to scale). The length of the weld shown is the effective length. The welded surfaces meet at right angle. The weld size is 8 mm, and the permissible stress in the weld is 120 MPa. What is the safe load P (in kN, rounded off to one decimal place) that can be transmitted by this welded joint? ___________

A hanger is made of two bars of different sizes. Each bar has a square cross-section. The hanger is loaded by three-point loads in the mid vertical plane as shown in the figure. Ignore the self-weight of the hanger. What is the maximum tensile stress in N/mm2 anywhere in the hanger without considering stress concentration effects?

Consider the horizontal axis passing through the centroid of the steel beam cross-section shown in the figure. What is the shape factor (rounded off to one decimal place) for the cross-section?