MHT CET 2023 10th May Morning Shift
Paper was held on Wed, May 10, 2023 3:30 AM
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Identify the compound with highest acidic strength from following.
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Which of the following species is NOT isoelectronic with neon?
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Conductivity of a solution is $$1.26 \times 10^{-2} \Omega^{-1} \mathrm{~cm}^{-1}$$ Calculate molar conductivity for $$0
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Identify the molecule from following that does NOT involve $$\mathrm{sp}^3$$ hybridisation.
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Which among the following compounds is hemiacetal?
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Calculate the concentration of $$\mathrm{H}^{+}$$ ions in a solution if pOH is 11.
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Identify the name of compound from following.
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Identify the physical quantity that is measured in Candela.
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Calculate the edge length of unit cell of metal which crystallises to bcc structure. (Radius of metal atom $$=173 \mathr
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What is new temperature of a gas when its initial volume $$3 \mathrm{~dm}^3$$ at $$300 \mathrm{~K}$$ is doubled at const
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Which among the following phenols does NOT correctly match with their IUPAC names?
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Which among following statements is NOT true according to principles of green chemistry?
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What is the value of effective atomic number of cobalt in $$\left[\mathrm{Co}\left(\mathrm{NH}_3\right)_6\right]^{3+}$$
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For the reaction, $$3 \mathrm{~I}+\mathrm{S}_2 \mathrm{O}_8^{2-} \rightarrow \mathrm{I}_3^{-}+2 \mathrm{SO}_4^{2-}$$, at
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What is the total number of Bravais lattices present for different crystal systems?
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Identify compound $$\mathrm{Y}$$ in the following reaction. $$\mathrm{C}_2 \mathrm{H}_5 \mathrm{Cl}+\mathrm{Y} \stackrel
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Aniline is treated with $$\mathrm{NaNO}_2+\mathrm{HCl}$$ at low temperature to form:
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Which of the following is NOT a difficulty in setting SHE?
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Lewis acid is a substance that :
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Which among the following $$\alpha$$-amino acids does NOT have chiral carbon atom?
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The difference between $$\Delta \mathrm{H}$$ and $$\Delta \mathrm{U}$$ is usually significant for systems consisting of
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Which of the following elements is doped with to obtain fibre amplifiers for optical fibre communication system?
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What is the half life of a first order reaction if rate constant is $$4.2 \times 10^{-2}$$ per day?
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What type of solution is the ethyl alcohol in water?
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Which among the following colours is obtained in Schiff test of aldehydes?
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Which from following monomers is used to prepare thermocol?
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Which of the following is character of lyophilic colloid?
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Find the depression in freezing point of solution when 3.2 gram non volatile solute with molar mass $$128 \mathrm{~gram}
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What is the value of $$x$$ in order to balance following redox reaction? $$\mathrm{Mn}_{(\mathrm{aq})}^{2+}+x \mathrm{Cl
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The reaction, $$3 \mathrm{ClO}^{-} \rightarrow \mathrm{ClO}_3^{-}+2 \mathrm{Cl}^{-}$$ occurs in two steps: i. $$\quad 2
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Acetic acid dissociated to $$1.20 \%$$ in its $$0.01 \mathrm{~M}$$ solution. What is the value of its dissociation const
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The structure of functional group of secondary amide is :
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Which of the following solutions exhibits lowest value of boiling point elevation assuming complete dissociation?
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Identify heteroleptic complex from following.
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Which among the following statements of group-1 elements is NOT true?
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Identify glycosidic linkage present in lactose.
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Which of the following compounds reacts with $$\mathrm{HBr}$$ to form 1-Bromo-1-methylcyclohexane?
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Identify degenerate orbitals from following for hydrogen atom.
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Identify the product P obtained in following reaction. Benzene + ozone (excess) $$\stackrel{\mathrm{CCl}_4}{\longrightar
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Identify strongest oxoacid of halogen from following.
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Identify the reagent $$\mathrm{R}$$ used in the reaction stated below. Benzene diazonium chloride $$+\mathrm{R} \rightar
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Identify lanthanoid element from following.
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What is change in internal energy when system releases $$8 \mathrm{~kJ}$$ of heat and performs $$660 \mathrm{~J}$$ of wo
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Identify the method used to obtain $$\mathrm{SO}_2$$ gas in industry.
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Which among the following compounds reacts fastly with $$\mathrm{HBr}$$ ?
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Identify biodegradable polymer from following.
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What mass of $$\mathrm{Mg}$$ is produced during electrolysis of molten $$\mathrm{MgCl}_2$$ by passing $$2 \mathrm{~amp}$
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Calculate the final volume when 2 moles of an ideal gas expand from $$3 \mathrm{~dm}^3$$ at constant external pressure 1
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Calculate the molar mass of an element with density $$2.7 \mathrm{~g} \mathrm{~cm}^{-3}$$ that forms fcc structure. $$\l
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Identify ketone from the following.
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A group consists of 8 boys and 5 girls, then the number of committees of 5 persons that can be formed, if committee cons
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Scalar projection of the line segment joining the points $$\mathrm{A}(-2,0,3), \mathrm{B}(1,4,2)$$ on the line whose dir
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For a binomial variate $$\mathrm{X}$$ with $$\mathrm{n}=6$$ if $$P(X=4)=\frac{135}{2^{12}}$$, then its variance is
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If $$\overline{\mathrm{a}}=2 \hat{\mathrm{i}}+3 \hat{\mathrm{j}}+2 \hat{\mathrm{k}}, \overline{\mathrm{b}}=2 \hat{\mathr
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The number of integral values of $$\mathrm{p}$$ in the domain $$[-5,5]$$, such that the equation $$2 x^2+4 x y-p y^2+4 x
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An open metallic tank is to be constructed, with a square base and vertical sides, having volume 500 cubic meter. Then t
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The p.d.f. of a discrete random variable is defined as $$\mathrm{f}(x)=\left\{\begin{array}{l} \mathrm{k} x^2, 0 \leq x
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The variance, for first six prime numbers greater than 5, is
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The value of $$\lim _\limits{x \rightarrow a} \frac{\sqrt{a+2 x}-\sqrt{3 x}}{\sqrt{3 a+x}-2 \sqrt{x}}$$ is
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The points $$(1,3),(5,1)$$ are opposite vertices of a diagonal of a rectangle. If the other two vertices lie on the line
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Considering only the principal values of an inverse function, the set $$\mathrm{A}=\left\{x \geq 0 / \tan ^{-1} x+\tan ^
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The line $$\frac{x-2}{3}=\frac{y-1}{-5}=\frac{z+2}{2}$$ lies in the plane $$x+3 y-\alpha z+\beta=0$$, then the value of
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The vector projection of $$\overline{\mathrm{AB}}$$ on $$\overline{\mathrm{CD}}$$, where $$A \equiv(2,-3,0), B \equiv(1,
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If the circles $$x^2+y^2=9$$ and $$x^2+y^2+2 \alpha x+2 y+1=0$$ touch each other internally, then the value of $$\alpha^
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If $$y=\cos ^{-1}\left(\frac{\mathrm{a}^2}{\sqrt{x^4+\mathrm{a}^4}}\right)$$, then $$\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{~d} x}$
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The population $$\mathrm{P}=\mathrm{P}(\mathrm{t})$$ at time $$\mathrm{t}$$ of certain species follows the differential
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The vertices of the feasible region for the constraints $$x+y \leq 4, x \leq 2, y \leq 1, x+y \geq 1, x, y \geq 0$$ are
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The value of $$\tan \frac{\pi}{8}$$ is
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If $$B=\left[\begin{array}{lll}1 & \alpha & 2 \\ 1 & 2 & 2 \\ 2 & 3 & 3\end{array}\right]$$ is the adjoint of a $$3 \tim
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The logical statement $$[\sim(\sim p \vee q) \vee(p \wedge r)] \wedge(\sim q \wedge r)$$ is equivalent to
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If $$w=\frac{z}{z-\frac{1}{3} i}$$ and $$|w|=1, i=\sqrt{-1}$$, then $$z$$ lies on
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If one side of a triangle is double the other and the angles opposite to these sides differ by $$60^{\circ}$$, then the
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If $$\int \sqrt{\frac{x-7}{x-9}} d x=A \sqrt{x^2-16 x+63}+\log \left|(x-8)+\sqrt{x^2-16 x+63}\right|+c,$$ (where $$\math
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A player tosses 2 fair coins. He wins ₹5 if 2 heads appear, ₹ 2 if one head appears and ₹ 1 if no head appears. Then the
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Area of the region bounded by the curve $$y=\sqrt{49-x^2}$$ and $$\mathrm{X}$$-axis is
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The solution of the equation $$\tan ^{-1}(1+x)+\tan ^{-1}(1-x)=\frac{\pi}{2}$$ is
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The differential equation $$\frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{~d} x}=\frac{\sqrt{1-y^2}}{y}$$ determines a family of circles w
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A square plate is contracting at the uniform rate $$4 \mathrm{~cm}^2 / \mathrm{sec}$$, then the rate at which the perime
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If the function $$\mathrm{f}(x)$$ is continuous in $$0 \leq x \leq \pi$$, then the value of $$2 a+3 b$$ is where $$f(x)=
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For $$x>1$$, if $$(2 x)^{2 y}=4 \mathrm{e}^{2 x-2 y}$$, then $$(1+\log 2 x)^2 \frac{\mathrm{d} y}{\mathrm{~d} x}$$ is eq
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The vectors are $$\bar{a}=2 \hat{i}+\hat{j}-2 \hat{k}, \bar{b}=\hat{i}+\hat{j}$$. If $$\bar{c}$$ is a vector such that $
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$$\int \frac{1}{7-6 x-x^2} d x=$$
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$$\int \frac{d x}{\sin x+\cos x}=$$
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A ladder of length $$17 \mathrm{~m}$$ rests with one end against a vertical wall and the other on the level ground. If t
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Let $$\mathrm{P}$$ be a plane passing through the points $$(2,1,0),(4,1,1)$$ and $$(5,0,1)$$ and $$R$$ be the point $$(2
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The co-ordinates of the point, where the line through $$A(3,4,1)$$ and $$B(5,1,6)$$ crosses the $$\mathrm{XZ}$$-plane, a
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The number of possible solutions of $$\sin \theta+\sin 4 \theta+\sin 7 \theta=0, \theta \in(0, \pi)$$ are
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If $$\mathrm{I}=\int \frac{\mathrm{d} x}{x^2\left(x^4+1\right)^{\frac{3}{4}}}$$, then $$\mathrm{I}$$ is
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If $$\bar{a}=\hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+\hat{k}, \bar{b}=\hat{i}-\hat{j}+\hat{k}, \bar{c}=\hat{i}+\hat{j}-\hat{k}$$, then a vecto
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The number of solutions of $$\tan x+\sec x=2 \cos x$$ in $$[0,2 \pi]$$ are
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If $$\int_\limits0^{\frac{1}{2}} \frac{x^2}{\left(1-x^2\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}} \mathrm{~d} x=\frac{\mathrm{k}}{6}$$, then
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General solution of the differential equation $$\cos x(1+\cos y) \mathrm{d} x-\sin y(1+\sin x) \mathrm{d} y=0$$ is
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If the line $$a x+b y+c=0$$ is a normal to the curve $$x y=1$$, then
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Let $$\bar{a}, \bar{b}, \bar{c}$$ be three non-zero vectors, such that no two of them are collinear and $$(\bar{a} \time
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If $$\mathrm{f}(x)=\mathrm{e}^x, \mathrm{~g}(x)=\sin ^{-1} x$$ and $$\mathrm{h}(x)=\mathrm{f}(\mathrm{g}(x))$$, then $$\
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The given circuit is equivalent to
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A kite is $$120 \mathrm{~m}$$ high and $$130 \mathrm{~m}$$ of string is out. If the kite is moving away horizontally at
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$$\mathrm{ABC}$$ is a triangle in a plane with vertices $$\mathrm{A}(2,3,5), \mathrm{B}(-1,3,2)$$ and $$\mathrm{C}(\lamb
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Three critics review a book. For the three critics the odds in favor of the book are $$2: 5, 3: 4$$ and $$4: 3$$ respect
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$$\mathrm{f}: \mathrm{R} \rightarrow \mathrm{R} ; \mathrm{g}: \mathrm{R} \rightarrow \mathrm{R}$$ are two functions such
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An open organ pipe having fundamental frequency (n) is in unison with a vibrating string. If the tube is dipped in water
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A graph of magnetic flux $$(\phi)$$ versus current (I) is plotted for four inductors A, B, C, D. Larger value of self in
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An electron accelerated through a potential difference '$$V_1$$' has a de-Broglie wavelength '$$\lambda$$'. When the pot
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In case of a stationary wave pattern which of the following statement is CORRECT?
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If 'I' is moment of inertia of a thin circular disc about an axis passing through the tangent of the disc and in the pla
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A parallel plate capacitor has plate area '$$\mathrm{A}$$' and separation between plates is '$$d$$'. It is charged to a
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The shortest wavelength in the Balmer series of hydrogen atom is equal to the shortest wavelength in the Brackett series
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If the length of stretched string is reduced by $$40 \%$$ and tension is increased by $$44 \%$$ then the ratio of final
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A square loop of area $$25 \mathrm{~cm}^2$$ has a resistance of $$10 \Omega$$. This loop is placed in a uniform magnetic
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Two capacitors $$\mathrm{C}_1=3 \mu \mathrm{F}$$ and $$\mathrm{C}_2=2 \mu \mathrm{F}$$ are connected in series across d.
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To obtain the truth-table shown, from the following logic circuit, the gate G should be
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An electric dipole consisting of two opposite charges of $$2 \times 10^{-6} \mathrm{C}$$ separated by a distance of $$3
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In insulators
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Seven identical discs each of mass $$M$$ and radius $$\mathrm{R}$$ are arranged in a hexagonal plane pattern so as to to
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A satellite moves in a stable circular orbit round the earth if (where $$\mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{H}}, \mathrm{V}_{\mathrm{c}
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The mean electrical energy density between plates of a charged air capacitor is (where $$\mathrm{q}=$$ charge on capacit
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A person is observing a bacteria through a compound microscope. For better observation and to improve its resolving powe
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The inductive reactance of a coil is '$$\mathrm{X}_{\mathrm{L}}$$'. If the inductance of a coil is tripled and frequency
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In the circuit shown the ratio of quality factor and the bandwidth is
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Water flows through a horizontal pipe at a speed '$$\mathrm{V}$$'. Internal diameter of the pipe is '$$\mathrm{d}$$'. If
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In Young's double slit experiment the separation between the slits is doubled without changing other setting of the expe
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A body is released from the top of a tower '$$\mathrm{H}$$' metre high. It takes $$t$$ second to reach the ground. The h
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There is a second's pendulum on the surface of earth. It is taken to the surface of planet whose mass and radius are twi
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Two long parallel wires carrying currents $$8 \mathrm{~A}$$ and $$15 \mathrm{~A}$$ in opposite directions are placed at
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A body of mass 200 gram is tied to a spring of spring constant $$12.5 \mathrm{~N} / \mathrm{m}$$, while other end of spr
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Which of the following is NOT involved in the formation of secondary rainbow?
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For a satellite orbiting around the earth in a circular orbit, the ratio of potential energy to kinetic energy at same h
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Maximum kinetic energy of photon is '$$E$$' when wavelength of incident radiation is '$$\lambda$$'. If wavelength of inc
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Consider the Doppler effect in two cases. In the first case, an observer moves towards a stationary source of sound with
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According to Curie's law in magnetism, the correct relation is ( $$\mathrm{M}=$$ magnetization in paramagnetic sample, $
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A double convex air bubble in water behaves as
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Three liquids have same surface tension and densities $$\rho_1, \rho_2$$, and $$\rho_3\left(\rho_1>\rho_2>\rho_3\right)$
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If a lighter body of mass '$$\mathrm{M}_1$$' and velocity '$$\mathrm{V}_1$$' and a heavy body (mass $$M_2$$ and velocity
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Electron of mass '$$\mathrm{m}$$' and charge '$$\mathrm{q}$$' is travelling with speed '$$v$$' along a circular path of
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In a series LR circuit, $$X_L=R$$, power factor is $$P_1$$. If a capacitor of capacitance $$C$$ with $$X_C=X_L$$ is adde
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If only $$1 \%$$ of total current is passed through a galvanometer of resistance '$$G$$' then the resistance of the shun
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A voltmeter of resistance $$150 \Omega$$ connected across a cell of e.m.f. $$3 \mathrm{~V}$$ reads $$2.5 \mathrm{~V}$$.
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Two conducting circular loops of radii '$$R_1$$' and '$$R_2$$' are placed in the same plane with their centres coincidin
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The average force applied on the walls of a closed container depends on $$T^x$$ where $$T$$ is the temperature of an ide
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A black body radiates maximum energy at wavelength '$$\lambda$$' and its emissive power is $$\mathrm{E}$$. Now due to ch
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A Carnot engine with efficiency $$50 \%$$ takes heat from a source at $$600 \mathrm{~K}$$. To increase the efficiency to
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The amplitude of a particle executing S.H.M. is $$3 \mathrm{~cm}$$. The displacement at which its kinetic energy will be
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A piece of metal at $$850 \mathrm{~K}$$ is dropped in to $$1 \mathrm{~kg}$$ water at $$300 \mathrm{~K}$$. If the equilib
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Heat energy is incident on the surface at the rate of X J/min . If '$$a$$' and '$$r$$' represent coefficient of absorpti
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Identify the mismatch out of the following.
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Two sources of light $$0.6 \mathrm{~mm}$$ apart and screen is placed at a distance of $$1.2 \mathrm{~m}$$ from them. A l
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The ratio of longest to shortest wavelength emitted in Paschen series of hydrogen atom is
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The height of liquid column raised in a capillary tube of certain radius when dipped in liquid '$$A$$' vertically is $$5
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A particle of mass '$$\mathrm{m}$$' is rotating along a circular path of radius '$$r$$' having angular momentum '$$L$$'.
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A sample of gas at temperature $$T$$ is adiabatically expanded to double its volume. The work done by the gas in the pro
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