Two flat steel sheets, each of $$2.5$$ $$mm$$ thickness, are being resistance spot welded using a current of $$6000$$ $$A$$ and weld time of $$0.2$$ $$s.$$ The contact resistance at the interface between the two sheets is $$200\,\,\mu \Omega $$ and the specific energy to melt steel is $$10 \times {10^9}\,\,J/{m^3}.$$ A spherical melt pool of diameter $$4$$ $$mm$$ is formed at the interface due to the current flow. Consider that electrical energy is completely converted to thermal energy. The ratio of the heat used for melting to the total resistive heat generated is _____________
Two aluminium alloy plates each $$10$$ $$mm$$ thick and $$1$$ $$m$$ long are welded without crowning by multipass tungsten inert gas butt welding. The joint configuration is $$V$$-type with $${60^ \circ }$$ angle and root gap is maintained at $$5$$ $$mm.$$ If electrode of $$5$$ $$mm$$ diameter with $$500$$ $$mm$$ length is used for welding, then the number of electrodes required is
In an arc welding operation carried out with a power source maintained at $$40$$ volts and $$400$$ amperes, the consumable electrode melts and just fills the gap between the metal plates to be butt-welded. The heat transfer efficiency for the process is $$0.8,$$ melting efficiency is $$0.3$$ and the heat required to melt the electrode is $$20$$ $$J/m{m^3}$$. If the travel speed of the electrode is $$4$$ $$mm/s$$, the cross-sectional area, in $$m{m^2}$$, of the weld joint is ________________.
In a $$DC$$ $$arc$$ welding operating, the length characteristic was obtained as $${V_{arc}} = 20 + 5l$$ where the $$arc$$ length $$l$$ was varied between $$5mm$$ and $$7mm.$$ Here $${V_{arc}}$$ denotes the arc voltage in volts. The $$arc$$ current was varied from $$400A$$ to $$500A.$$ Assuming linear power source characteristic, the open circuit voltage and the short circuit current for the welding operation are
During a steady gas metal arc welding with direct current electrode positive polarity, the welding current, voltage and weld speed are $$150A,$$ $$30V$$ and $$6m/min$$ respectively. A metallic wire electrode of diameter $$1.2mm$$ is being fed at a constant rate of $$12m/min.$$ The density, specific heat and melting temp of the wire electrode are $$7000$$ $$kg/{m^3},$$ $$500$$ $$J/kg$$ and $${1530^ \circ }C$$ respectively. Assume the ambient temp to be $${30^ \circ }C$$ and neglect the latent heat of melting. Further consider that $$2/{3^{rd}}$$ of the total electrical power is available for melting of the wire electrode. The melting efficiency (in percentage) of the wire electrode is
Autogeneous gas tungsten arc welding of a steel plate is carried out with welding current of $$500A,$$ voltage of $$20V,$$ and weld speed of $$20mm/min.$$ Consider the heat transfer efficiency from the arc to the weld pool as $$90\% $$. The heat input per unit length (in $$kJ/mm$$) is
Which pair among the following solid state welding processes uses heat from an external source
$$P$$- Diffusion welding
$$Q$$- Friction welding
$$R$$- Ultrasonic welding
$$S$$- Forge welding
Two pipes of inner diameter $$100mm$$ and outer diameter $$110mm$$ each are joined by flash butt welding using $$30V$$ power supply. At the interface, $$1mm$$ of material melts from each pipe which has a resistance of $$42$$ Ohms.If the unit melt energy is $$64.4$$ $$MJ/{m^3}$$, then time required for welding (in $$S$$) is
Aluminium strips of $$2mm$$ thickness are joined together by resistance spot welding process by applying an electric current $$6000$$$$A$$ for $$0.15sec$$. The heat required for melting aluminium is $$2.9J/m{m^3}.$$ The diameter and thickness of the weld nugget are found to be $$5$$ $$mm$$ and $$2.5mm$$ respectively. Assuming the electrical resistance to be $$75$$ micro-ohms, the percentage of total energy utilized in forming the weld nugget is
Which of the following powders should be fed for effective oxy-fuel cutting of stainless steel
The $$DC$$ power source for arc welding has the characteristic $$3V + 1 = 240,$$ where $$V=$$ Voltage and $${\rm I}\,\, = $$ current in amp. For maximum arc power at the electrode, voltage should be set at
Two $$8$$ $$mm$$ thick steel plates are placed $$5$$ $$mm$$ apart and welded by a butt joint. Welding is carried out at $$20$$ $$V$$ and speed of $$5$$ $$mm/sec.$$ Heat transfer efficiency is $$0.80.$$ If the heat required to melt steel is $$10$$ $$J/m{m^3}$$ and melting efficiency is $$0.625.$$ The weld current (in Amperes) will be
Which of the following process can be used for welding of Aluminium alloys
$$P.$$ Submerged arc welding
$$Q.$$ Gas metal arc welding
$$R.$$ Electroslag welding
$$S.$$ Gas tungsten arc welding
A $$900$$ $$mm$$ long steel plate is welded by manual metal arc welding process using welding current of $$150$$ $$A,$$ arc voltage of $$20$$ $$V$$ and welding speed of $$300$$ $$mm/min.$$ If the process efficiency of is $$0.8$$ and surface resistance is $$36$$ micro-ohm, the heat input will be
The cold cracking susceptibility of the heat affected zone in an arc weld is influenced by
$$P.$$ Entraped hydrogen,
$$Q.$$ Residual stresses
$$R.$$ Marternsitic transformation
$$S.$$ Slag inclusion
In spot pulsed laser welding of aluminium plates (density $$ = 2700kg/{m^3},$$ specific heat $$=896J/kg,$$ melting temp $$=933K,$$ latent heat of melting $$ = 398\,\,kJ/kg)$$ at a temp of $${30^ \circ }C,$$ pulse with energy of $$0.5J$$ is focused onto an area of $$0.05m{m^2}.$$ If the entire energy is coupled into the material, what will be the depth of weld assuming the $$CS$$ area of the weld is circular and is uniform throughout its depth and only heat conduction in the direction of penetration
During gas welding of copper sheets a neutral flame was used consuming $$8$$ liters of acetylene. But the weld was found to be defective. So it was re-welded using an oxidizing flame. The likely consumption of oxygen in liters will be
In welding process, penetration is increased by
In welding a mild steel sheet using an oxy-acetylene flame, the total amount of acetylene consumed was $$8.0$$ liters the oxygen consumption from the cylinder is