GATE PI 2008
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Aluminium strips of $$2mm$$ thickness are joined together by resistance spot welding process by applying an electric current $$6000$$$$A$$ for $$0.15sec$$. The heat required for melting aluminium is $$2.9J/m{m^3}.$$ The diameter and thickness of the weld nugget are found to be $$5$$ $$mm$$ and $$2.5mm$$ respectively. Assuming the electrical resistance to be $$75$$ micro-ohms, the percentage of total energy utilized in forming the weld nugget is
GATE PI 2008
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Which pair among the following solid state welding processes uses heat from an external source
$$P$$- Diffusion welding
$$Q$$- Friction welding
$$R$$- Ultrasonic welding
$$S$$- Forge welding
$$P$$- Diffusion welding
$$Q$$- Friction welding
$$R$$- Ultrasonic welding
$$S$$- Forge welding
GATE PI 2007
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The $$DC$$ power source for arc welding has the characteristic $$3V + 1 = 240,$$ where $$V=$$ Voltage and $${\rm I}\,\, = $$ current in amp. For maximum arc power at the electrode, voltage should be set at
GATE PI 2005
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Two $$8$$ $$mm$$ thick steel plates are placed $$5$$ $$mm$$ apart and welded by a butt joint. Welding is carried out at $$20$$ $$V$$ and speed of $$5$$ $$mm/sec.$$ Heat transfer efficiency is $$0.80.$$ If the heat required to melt steel is $$10$$ $$J/m{m^3}$$ and melting efficiency is $$0.625.$$ The weld current (in Amperes) will be
Questions Asked from Welding (Marks 2)
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GATE PI Subjects
Fluid Mechanics
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Machine Tools and Machining
Industrial Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Machine Design
Joining of Materials
Metal Forming