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The concatenation of two lists is to be performed on 0(1) time. Which of the following implementations of a list should
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The correct matching for the following pairs is .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;border:none;} .tg td{fo
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Let T(n) be the function defined by $$T(1) =1, \: T(n) = 2T (\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \rfloor ) + \sqrt{n}$$ Which of the fol
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In the following grammar: $$\eqalign{ & X:: = X \oplus {Y \over Y} \cr & Y:: = Z*{Y \over Z} \cr &
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An $$N$$-bit carry look ahead adder, where $$N$$ is a multiple of $$4,$$ employs $${\rm I}cs$$ $$74181$$ ($$4$$bit $$ALU
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The correct matching for the following pairs is
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Which of the following is essential for converting an infix expression to the postfix form efficiently?
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A priority queue Q is used to implement a stack that stores characters. PUSH (C) is implemented INSERT (Q, C, K) where K
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A binary search tree contains the value 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. The tree is traversed in pre-order and the values are pr
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For a database relation $$R(a,b,c,d),$$ where the domains of $$a, b, c, d$$ include only atomic values, only the followi
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Let $$R (a, b, c)$$ and $$S(d, e, f)$$ be two relations in which $$d$$ is the foreign key of $$S$$ that refers to the pr
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Given $$\sqrt {\left( {224} \right),} = {\left( {13} \right)_r},$$ The value of the radix' $$r$$ is:
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Let $$^ * $$ be defined as $${x^ * }y = \overline x + y,$$ Let $$z = {x^ * }y.$$ Value of $${z^ * }x$$ is
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Let $$f\left( {x,y,z} \right) = \overline x + \overline y x + xz$$ be a switching function. Which one of the following
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Consider the logic circuit shown in Figure below. The functions $${f_1},$$ $${f_2}$$ and $$f$$ (in canonical sum of prod
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The probability that it will rain today is 0.5. The probability that it will rain tomorrow is 0.6. The probability that
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The number of equivalence relations on the set $$\left\{ {1,2,3,4} \right\}$$ is
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The determination of the matrix $$$\left[ {\matrix{ 6 & { - 8} & 1 & 1 \cr 0 & 2 & 4 & 6
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Let $$A = ({a_{ij}})$$ be and n-rowed square matrix and $${I_{12}}$$ be the matrix obtained by interchanging the first a
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What is the maximum value of the function $$f\left( x \right) = 2{x^2} - 2x + 6$$ in the interval $$\left[ {0,2} \right
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Each process Pi,i=1.....9 is coded as follows Repeat P(mutex){ critical section } V(mutex) Forever The co
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Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by a process
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Dirty bit for a page in a page table
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The correct matching for the following pairs is $$\,\,\,\,\,$$ List - $${\rm I}$$ (a) $$DMA$$ $$\,\,$$ $${\rm I}/O$$ (b
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$$I/O$$ redirection
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The correct matching for the following pairs is (a) Disk scheduling $$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$(1) R
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When an interrupt occurs, an Operating System
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An operating system contains 3 user processes each requiring 2 units of resource R.The minimum number of units of R such
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Heap allocation is required for languages.
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Given the following Pascal like program segment: Procedure A;      x,y:intger;   &nb
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$$\sum { = \left\{ {a,b} \right\},\,\,} $$ which one of the following sets is not countable.
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Which one of the following regular expressions over $$\left\{ {0,\,\,1} \right\}$$ denotes the set of all strings not co
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Which of the following languages over $$\left\{ {a,b,c} \right\}$$ is accepted by Deterministic push down automata?
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Which one of the following is not decidable?
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Civil Services
UPSC Civil Service
Class 12