GATE PI 2012
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
In a shaping process, the number of double strokes per minute is $$30$$ and the quick return ratio is $$0.6,$$ If the length of the stroke is $$250mm,$$ the average cutting velocity in $$m/min$$ is
GATE PI 2012
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
In a single pass drilling operation, a through hole of $$15$$ $$mm$$ diameter is to be drilled in a steel plate of $$50mm$$ thickness. Drill spindle speed is $$500epm,$$ feed is $$0.2mm/rev$$ and drill point angle is $${118^ \circ }.$$ Assuming $$2mm$$ clearance at approach and exit, the total drill time (in seconds) is
GATE PI 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
During orthogonal machining of a mild steel specimen with a cutting tool of zero rake angle, the following data is obtained:
Uncut chip thickness $$=0.25$$ $$mm$$
Chip thickness $$=0.75$$ $$mm$$
Width of cut $$=2.5$$ $$mm$$
Normal force $$=950$$ $$N$$
Thrust force $$=475$$ $$N$$
Uncut chip thickness $$=0.25$$ $$mm$$
Chip thickness $$=0.75$$ $$mm$$
Width of cut $$=2.5$$ $$mm$$
Normal force $$=950$$ $$N$$
Thrust force $$=475$$ $$N$$
The ultimate shear stress (in $$N/m{m^2}$$) of the work material is
GATE PI 2011
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Match the following materials with their most appropriate application:

Questions Asked from Machining (Marks 2)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE PI Subjects
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Machine Design
Fluid Mechanics
Joining of Materials
Metal Forming
Machine Tools and Machining
Industrial Engineering