GATE PI 2002
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A side and face cutter $$125mm$$ diameter has $$10$$ teeth. It operates at a cutting speed of $$14m/min$$ with a table traverse $$100mm/min.$$ The feed per tooth of the cutter is
GATE PI 1993
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
A work-piece of $$2000$$ $$mm$$ length and $$300$$ $$mm$$ width was machined by a planning operation with the feed set at $$0.3$$ $$mm/stroke.$$ If the machine tool executes $$10$$ double strokes/min, the planning time for a single pass will be
GATE PI 1992
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Find the speed range ratio for the drilling machine spindle if the minimum and maximum diameters of drills used are $$5$$ $$mm$$ and $$25$$ $$mm$$ respectively and if the machinability indices for the work materials are $$120$$ (brass) and $$40$$ (alloy steel)
GATE PI 1992
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If the index crank of a dividing head is turned through one complete revoluation and $$10$$ holes in a $$30$$ hole circle plate, the work piece turns through (in degrees)
Questions Asked from Machining (Marks 2)
Number in Brackets after Paper Indicates No. of Questions
GATE PI Subjects
Fluid Mechanics
Theory of Machines
Engineering Mathematics
Machine Tools and Machining
Industrial Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Strength of Materials
Machine Design
Joining of Materials
Metal Forming