A single axis $$CNC$$ table is driven by a $$DC$$ servo motor that is directly coupled to a lead screw of $$5$$ $$mm$$ pitch. The circular encoder attached to the lead screw generates $$1000$$ voltage pulses per revolution of the lead screw. The table moves at a constant speed of $$6$$ $$m/min.$$ The corresponding frequency (in $$kHz$$) of the voltage pulses generated by the circular encoder is __________________.
In a Flexible manufacturing system, the Automated Guided Vehicles $$(AGV)$$ move at a speed of $$50$$ $$m/min,$$ cover an average distance of $$150$$ $$m$$ to deliver and $$100$$ $$m$$ for return. If the time required for pick-up and drop is $$30$$ $$s$$ each, neglecting idle times, then the number of $$AGV$$$$s$$ required to meet the demand of $$50$$ delivers per hour is ____________.
Each axis of $$NC$$ machine is driven by a stepper motor drive with a lead screw. The pitch of lead screw is $$p$$ $$mm.$$ The step angle of stepper motor per pulse input is $$\alpha $$ degrees/pulse. The ratio of gear drive in stepper motor drive is $$g$$(number of turns of the motor for each single turn of the lead screw). The number of pulses required to achieve a linear movement of $$x$$ $$mm$$ is
A $$CNC$$ instruction $$G91\,\,\,G01\,\,\,X30\,\,\,Y40\,\,\,F100$$ commands the movement of tool along the path at a feed rate of $$100mm/min$$ $$(G91$$-incremental format and $$G01$$-linear interpolation). The feed rate of the tool (in $$mm/min)$$ along the $$X$$ axis will be _______________
In a $$CAD$$ package, mirror image of a $$2D$$ points $$P(5, 10)$$ is to be obtained about a line which passes through the origin and makes an angle of $${45^ \circ }$$ counterclockwise with the $$X$$-axis. The coordinates of the transformed points will be
For a $$3$$-axes $$CNC$$ table, the slide along the vertical axis of the table driven by a $$DC$$ servo motor via lead screw nut mechanism. The lead screw has a pitch of $$5mm.$$ This lead screw is fitted with a relative (incremental) circular encoder. The basic length unit $$(BLU)$$ of the slide along the vertical axis of the table is $$0.005mm.$$ When the table moves along the vertical axis by $$9mm.$$ The corresponding number of pulses generated by the encounter is
The total angular movement (in degrees) of a lead screw with a pitch of $$5.0mm$$ to drive the work table by a distance of $$200mm$$ in a $$NC$$ machine is
A titanium sheet of $$5.0mm$$ thickness is cut by wire cut $$EDM$$ process using a wire of $$1.0mm$$ diameter. A uniform spark gap of $$0.5mm$$ on both sides of the wire is maintained during cutting operation. If the feed rate of the wire into the sheet is $$20mm/min,$$ the material removal rate (in $$m{m^3}/\min $$) will be
In a $$CNC$$ feed drive, a stepper motor with step angle of $$1.8deg$$ drives a lead screw with pitch of $$2mm.$$ The basic length unit $$(BLU)$$ for this drive is
A stepper motor has $$150$$ steps. The output shaft of the motor is directly coupled to a lead screw of pitch $$4mm,$$ which drives a table. If the frequency of pulse supply to the motor is $$200Hz$$, the speed of the table (in $$mm/min)$$ is
In a $$CAD$$ package, a point $$P(6, 3, 1)$$ is projected along a vector $$v(-2, 1, -1).$$ The projection of this point on $$X-Y$$ plane will be
Complete the manual part program for drilling a hole located at point $$(20, 20)$$ from the target point . The depth of the hole to be drilled is $$15mm$$
& \,\,\,\,\,\,FROM/TARG \cr
& \,\,\,\,\,\,GOTO/20,\,\,20,\,\,0 \cr} $$
Given that the notations of robot joints are $$L$$-linear, $$O$$-orthogonal, $$R$$-rotational, $$T$$-twisting, and $$V$$-revolving, the anatomy of a polar configuration robot is described by the alphabetical string
When $$3-2-1$$ principle is used to support and locate a three dimensional work-piece during machining, the number of degrees of freedom that are restricted is
A $$DC$$ servomotor is directly driving an $$NC$$ table. The pitch of the lead screw of the table is $$5$$ $$mm.$$ The motor rotates at $$100$$ $$rpm$$ for an applied voltage of $$10V.$$ If the voltage speed characteristic of the motor is linear, the applied voltage for a table of $$3m/min$$ is equal to:
The component development and manufacturing activities when assisted by a computer are: Computer Aided Graphics $$(CAG), CAD, CAM, CAPP$$ and Computer Aided Quality Control $$(CAQC).$$ The most appropriate sequence of these activities is
$$A\,\,2{1 \over 2}\,\,$$ control in a typical $$CNC$$ machine provides