Equal volumes of two gases, having their densíties in the ratio of $$1: 16$$ exert equal pressures on the walls of two containers. The ratio of their rms speads ($$\mathrm{C}_1: \mathrm{C}_2)$$ is
The self inductance of solenoid of length $$31.4 \mathrm{~cm}$$, area of cross section $$10^{-3} \mathrm{~m}^2$$ having total number of turns 500 will be nearly [$$\mu_0=4 \pi \times 10^{-7}$$ SI unit]
The charge on each capacitor when a voltage source os 15 V is connected in the circuit as shown, is
According to de-Broglie hypothesis if an electron of mass '$$m$$' is accelerated by potential difference '$$V$$', the associated wavelength is '$$\lambda$$'. When a proton of mass '$$\mathrm{M}$$' is accelerated through potential difference $$9 \mathrm{~V}$$, then the wavelength associated with it is