Isomerism · Chemistry · COMEDK
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Which of the following compounds will show geometrical isomerism?
Which one of the following compounds shows Geometrical isomerism?
A statement of Assertion followed by a statement of Reason is given. Choose the correct answer out of the following options.
Assertion: The Eclipsed and the Staggered conformations of Ethane continuously flip from one form to the other.
Reason: The torsional barrier between the Conformers of Ethane has a high value of about $$50 \mathrm{~kJ} / \mathrm{mol}$$ and this restricts free rotation around $$\mathrm{C}-\mathrm{C}$$ bond.
What is the number of mono-chloro derivatives of Ethyl cyclohexane possible?
I and II are
Which of the following will show geometrical isomerism?
Structures of 3 Monosaccharides are given below. Two of them are Anomers. Identify the two Anomers.
Which one of the following shows functional isomerism?
How many chiral carbon atoms are present in 2, 3, 4-trichloropentane ?
Geometrical isomerism is shown by