Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure · Chemistry · COMEDK
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Identify the pair of molecules in which one of them is a molecule with an odd electron and the other has an expanded octet.
Which of the following two molecular species are Diamagnetic in nature?
$$[\mathrm{A}]=\mathrm{O}_2^{-} \quad[\mathrm{B}] .=\mathrm{N}_2^{+} \quad[\mathrm{C}]=\mathrm{C}_2 \quad[\mathrm{D}]=\mathrm{O}_2{ }^{2-}$$
Choose the incorrect statement from the following:
A. Isoelectronic molecules/ions have the same bond order.
B. Dipole moment of $$\mathrm{NH}_3$$ is greater than that of $$\mathrm{NF}_3$$.
C. The Carbon in Methyl Carbocation is $$\mathrm{sp}^3$$ hybridised.
D. The stability of an ionic compound is measured in terms of its lattice enthalpy and not simply based on attaining Octet configuration.
$$ \text { From the following pair of compounds, identify the incorrect pair in terms of the covalent character. } $$
The bond dissociation enthalpy of the species in their correct order is:
In the following question a statement of Assertion (A) followed by a statement of Reason (R) is given. Choose the correct option out of the choices given below.
Assertion (A): A molecule of $$\mathrm{SF}_4$$ is see-saw shaped, while that of $$\mathrm{CIF}_3$$ is T-shaped.
Reason(R): SF$$_4$$ has two lone pair of electrons. But CIF$$_3$$ has one pair of electrons.
On the basis of VSEPR theory, match the molecules listed in Column I with their shapes given in Column II.
No. | Column I | No. | Column II |
A | $$\mathrm{ClF_3}$$ | P | Sea saw |
B | $$\mathrm{BrF_5}$$ | Q | Pentagonal bipyramidal |
C | $$\mathrm{SF_4}$$ | R | Square pyramidal |
D | $$\mathrm{IF_7}$$ | S | T-shaped |
Identify the pair of molecules, both of which have positive values of Dipole moment.
Given below are 4 molecular species/ions. Identify the species/ion which exhibits diamagnetic nature.
$$[\mathrm{A}]=\mathrm{N}_2^{+} \quad[\mathrm{B}]=\mathrm{O}_2^{-} \quad[\mathrm{C}]=\mathrm{B}_2 \quad[\mathrm{D}]=\mathrm{C}_2$$
Which of these represents the correct order of decreasing bond order?
Pick up the correct statement.
Total number of $$\sigma$$ and $$\pi$$ bonds in ethene molecule is
Which of these molecules have non-bonding electron pairs on the cental atom?
$$\mathrm{I}: \mathrm{SF}_4 : \mathrm{II}: \mathrm{ICl}_3 : \mathrm{III}: \mathrm{SO}_2$$
Identify the correct statement describing the characteristics of $$\mathrm{C}_2$$ molecule.
In the following question, Assertion (A) is given followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct answer.
Assertion (A): $$\pi\left(2 p_x\right), \pi\left(2 p_y\right), \pi^*\left(2 p_x\right), \pi^*\left(2 p_y\right)$$ molecular orbitals have one nodal plane each.
Reason $$(\mathrm{R})$$ : All the molecular orbitals formed by the sideways overlapping have one nodal plane.
Arrange the following in the decreasing order of their Dipole moments.
a. Chlorobenzene
b. 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
c. 1,3-Dichlorobenzene
d. 1,4-Dichlorobenzene.
Which of the following molecules does not exhibit dipole moment?
(i) CCl$$_4$$ (ii) CO$$_2$$ (iii) NH$$_3$$ (iv) CHCl$$_3$$ (v) H$$_2$$O (vi) CH$$_3$$$$-$$O$$-$$CH$$_3$$
Increasing order of bond order of oxygen and its ions is
The P-O bond order in PO$$_4^{3-}$$ is
Which of the following compound does not exists?
Find the correct order of C$$-$$O bond length among CO, CO$$_3^{2-}$$, CO$$_2$$.
Which of the following pairs of ions in iso-electronic and iso-structural?
Find the compound which have both polar and non-polar covalent bonds.
In acetylene molecule, between the carbon atoms there are
During the formation of a chemical bond
For a stable molecule the value of bond order must be
The number of antibonding electron pairs in O$$_2^{2-}$$ molecular ion on the basis of molecular orbital theory is
[Atomic number of O is 18]