Aldehyde and Ketone · Chemistry · AP EAPCET
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Identify the major product from the following reaction sequence.
Identify the major product formed in the following reaction sequence
Arrange the following in increasing order of their reactivity for nucleophilic addition reaction.
Identify (Z) in the following reaction.
$$\mathrm{C{H_3}COOH\buildrel {LiAl{H_4}} \over \longrightarrow (X)\mathrel{\mathop{\kern0pt\longrightarrow} \limits_{573\,K}^{Cu}} (Y)\buildrel {dil.\,NaOH} \over \longrightarrow (Z)}$$
The total number of products formed in the following reaction sequence is
$$\begin{gathered}\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{COCl} \stackrel{\text { (i) }\left(\mathrm{CH}_3\right)_3 \mathrm{Cd}}{\longrightarrow}(P) \\ (P)+\mathrm{CH}_3 \mathrm{CHO} \stackrel{\text { (ii) } \mathrm{NaOH}(a q), \Delta}{\longrightarrow} \text { ? }\end{gathered}$$