Time & Work · Quantitative Aptitude · SSC CGL Tier I

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SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 3
Sara can finish a work in 18 days and Tara can complete the same work in 15 days. Tara worked for 10 days and left the job. In how many days can Sara ...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 3
40 men can complete a work in 30 days. However, if 10 men leave the group, how many days will the group take to complete the work?
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 3
A can finish a job in 8 hours and B can finish the same job in 12 hours independently. If they work simultaneously, in how many hours can they do the ...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 3
Ram can complete a piece work in 15 days, Rohan in 25 days, and Rohit in 30 days. Rohan and Rohit worked together for 2 days and then Rohit was replac...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 2
P, Q and R can complete a piece of work in 9, 12 and 18 days, respectively. Working together, how much work can they complete in one day?
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 2
Ram and Ramesh can do a work in 12 days, Ramesh and Somesh in 15 days and Somesh and Ram in 10 days. If Ram, Ramesh and Somesh work together, in how m...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 2
A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 30 and 60 days, respectively. In how many days can A do the work if he is assisted by both B and C on every t...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 2
Benny can do a piece of work in 24 days. Chethan and David can do the same work individually in 36 and 48 days, respectively. All of them begin the wo...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 1
Ashok and Anil undertake to do a piece of work for ₹4,500. Ashok alone could do the work in the 8 days and Anil in 12 days. With the assistance of Ama...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 1
A man, a woman and a boy can complete a job in 3, 5 and 15 days, respectively. How many boys must assist 1 man and 1 woman to complete the job in $\fr...
SSC CGL Tier I - 27th July 2023 Shift 1
If A, B and C can do a work in 6 days, 9 days and 11 days, respectively, then, working together, how many days will they take to do the work?
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 4
15 men complete a work in 10 days. 15 women complete the same work in 12 days. If all these men and women work together, then the number of days requi...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 4
Ramesh alone can complete a work in 24 days. Ramesh and Somesh can complete it in 8 days. How long will Somesh alone take to complete the work?
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3
10 women take 16 days to complete a work which can be completed by 6 men in 8 days. 12 men started working and after 2 days 6 men left, and 5 women jo...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3
X , Y and Z can complete a work in 5 days, 15 days and 30 days, respectively. In how days can the work be completed if X is assisted by Y and Z togeth...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3
Abraham can complete a work in 9 days, while Andrew can complete the same work in 6 days. In how many days can they complete the work if they work tog...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3
A, B and C can finish a work in 15 days working alternately in the same order. The efficiency of A is the same as that of B, and the efficiency of C i...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 2
Pipe A and pipe B running together can fill a cistern in 6 minutes. If B takes 5 minutes more than A to fill it, then the time in which A and B will f...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 2
Pipe A can fill 50% of the tank in 6 hours and pipe B can completely fill the same tank in 18 hours. If both the pipes are opened at the same time, in...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 2
A can complete a piece of work alone in 120 days, while A and B, working together, can complete this piece of work in 72 days. In how many days can B,...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 2
Each inlet pipe can fill an empty cistern in 84 hours while each drain pipe can empty the same cistern from a filled condition in 105 hours. When the ...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 1
4 men’s work is equal to 6 women’s work, and 4 women’s work is equal to 6 boys’ work. A boy can finish the work in 60 days. In how many days can ...
SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 1
A group of men decided to do a job in 11 days but 16 men left the work after each day. The work, as a result, got completed in 15 days. How many ...
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