Units & Measurements · Physics · COMEDK
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The dimension $$[\mathrm{ML}^{-1} \mathrm{~T}^{-2}]$$ is the physical quantity of
If units of mass, length and gravitational constant are chosen to fundamental units, the dimensions of time would be
Which of the given dimensional formula represents heat capacity
Find the value of '$$n$$' in the given equation $$P=\rho^n v^2$$ where '$$P$$' is the pressure, '$$\rho$$' density and '$$v$$' velocity.
The time dependence of a physical quantity P is give by $$\mathrm{P=P}_0 \exp \left(-\alpha t^2\right)$$ where $$\alpha$$ is a constant and $$t$$ is time. The constant $$\alpha$$ will
A tentative explanation of observations without assuming that it is true is called
Which of the following statement is incorrect?
Which of the following technique is not used for measuring small time intervals?
The relative errors in the measurement of two lengths 1.02 cm $$\pm$$ 0.01 cm and 9.89 cm $$\pm$$ 0.01 cm is
Suppose refractive index $$\alpha$$ is given as $$ \alpha = A + {B \over {{\lambda ^2}}}$$, where A and B are constants and $$\lambda$$ is wavelength, then dimensions of B are same as that of