GATE PI 1992
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Increase in carbon content in plain carbon steels raise its
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The primary function of a riser is to
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Investment casting uses ...... A........... as pattern material and is preferred for small parts with .......... B......
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Chaplets are placed between mold in order to
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Investment casting uses ......... (wax / resin coated sand) as pattern material and is preferred for small parts with ..
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If the freezing ratio equal to (casting area/casting volume)/(riser area/riser volume) & the volumetric ratio equal
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Match the application with type of pattern
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The type of coated electrode most widely used for welding low carbon steel is
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Filler material is ......... A...... in resistance welding and the heat generated in the process is directly proportion
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The joint configuration best suited for adhesive bonding is
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Two sheets of low carbon steel $$1.5mm$$ thick each are spot welded by passing a current $$10000$$ amps for $$5$$ cycles
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In $$MIG$$ welding the power source characteristics is $${V_p} = 36 - {\rm I}/60$$ and the arc characteristics is $${V_a
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In metal cutting with a carbide tool, at the maximum recommended speed, the largest $$\% $$ of heat generated goes to th
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A generalized tool life equation for carbide tool for machining steel is given by $$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,$$ $
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A generalized tool life equation for carbide tool for machining steel is given by $$\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,$$$$\,\,\,\,$$ $
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In a grinding wheel marked with $$AA-48-L-7-V-25, L$$ refers to
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A blind hole is better tapped with a tap having
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Find the speed range ratio for the drilling machine spindle if the minimum and maximum diameters of drills used are $$5$
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If the index crank of a dividing head is turned through one complete revoluation and $$10$$ holes in a $$30$$ hole circl
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Control of group of $$NC$$ machines by a supervisory computer is known as ............... control.
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The component development and manufacturing activities when assisted by a computer are: Computer Aided Graphics $$(CAG),
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A $$DC$$ servomotor is directly driving an $$NC$$ table. The pitch of the lead screw of the table is $$5$$ $$mm.$$ The m
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Thread rolling is restricted to
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If the elongation factor during rolling of an ingot is $$1.22.$$ The minimum number of passes needed to produce a sectio
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To stress relive a cold worked steel part, it is heated to a temp close to ..... A....... and grains obtained after cool
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Wall thickness of drawn cup is controlled by
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A hemispherical cup of radius $$'R'$$ is formed in a press working operation. The radius of blank would be
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In mass manufacturing, two holes in a plate type of component are ideally located with the help of
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The fit on a hole-shaft pair system is specified as $$H7$$-$$s6$$. The type of fit is
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The diameter of the best wire to measure the effective diameter of a metric screw threads of $$0.5$$ $$mm$$ pitch is ..
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The most widely used reinforcement in modern day $$FRP$$ tennis racket is
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In an interference microscope, a groove produces a band distortion of $$4$$ band spacing. If the wave length of the mon
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A straight edge is inspected on a coordinate measuring machine. The readings obtained at intervals of $$100mm$$ along th
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A shaft of diameter $${20^{\matrix{ { + 0.05} \cr { - 0.15} \cr } }}$$ and a hole of diameter $${20^{\matrix
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The skid in a stylus type roughness measuring instrument is used to provide ............ A .............. and define ...
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Powder metallurgical components have
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$$A$$ $$30$$ $$mm$$ hole shaft assembly results in minimum and maximum clearances of $$0.03$$ $$mm$$ and $$0.30$$ $$mm$$
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To obtain dimension of $$61.18$$ $$mm$$ using slip gages, the most appropriate combination is
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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
Civil Services
UPSC Civil Service
Staff Selection Commission
Class 12