NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If $A=\left[\begin{array}{lll}1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1\end{array}\right]$, then what is 23A3 - 19A2 - 4A equal to ?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The value of the determinant of a matrix A of order 3 is 3. If C is the matrix of cofactors of the matrix A, then what is the value of determinant of C2?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If $A_k=\left[\begin{array}{cc} k-1 & k \\ k-2 & k+1 \end{array}\right] $, then what is det(A1) + det(A2) + det(A3) + ... + det(A100) equal to ?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The Cartesian product A × A has 16 elements among which are (0, 2) and (1, 3). Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. It is possible to determine set A.
2. A × A contains the element (3, 2).
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