NDA Mathematics 18 April 2021
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the following statements in respect of a vector $\vec c=\vec a+\vec b$, where $|\vec a|=|\vec b|\ne0$:
1. $\vec c$ is perpendicular to $(\vec a-\vec b).$
2. $\vec c$ is perpendicular to $\vec a \times \vec b.$
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
NDA Mathematics 18 April 2021
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If $\vec a \:and\: \vec b$ are two vectors such that $|\vec a + \vec b|= |\vec a - \vec b|=4,$ then which one of the following is correct?
NDA Mathematics 18 April 2021
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
If $\vec a, \vec b\:and \: \vec c$ are coplanar, then what is $(2\vec a\times 3\vec b)\cdot4\vec c+(5\vec b\times 3\vec c)\cdot6\vec a$ equal to?
NDA Mathematics 18 April 2021
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
Consider the following statements:
1. The cross product of two unit vectors is always a unit vector.
2. The dot product of two unit vectors is always unity.
3. The magnitude of sum of two unit vectors is always greater than the magnitude of their difference.
Which of the above statements are not correct?
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