Vector Algebra · Mathematics · NDA

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NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
If the direction cosines <l, m, n> of a line are connected by relation $l + 2m + n = 0, 2l - 2m + 3n = 0$, then what is the value of $l^{2} + m^...
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
Let $\vec{a} = \hat{i} - \hat{j} + \hat{k}$ and $\vec{b} = \hat{i} + 2\hat{j} - \hat{k}$. If $\vec{a} \times (\vec{b} \times \vec{a}) = \alpha \hat{i}...
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
If a vector of magnitude 2 units makes an angle $\frac{\pi}{3}$ with $2\hat{i}$, $\frac{\pi}{4}$ with $3\hat{j}$ and an acute angle $\theta$ with $4\h...
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
Consider the following in respect of moment of a force:1. The moment of force about a point is independent of point of application of force.2. The mom...
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
For any vector $\vec{r}$, what is $\left(\vec{r}\cdot\hat{i}\right)\left(\vec{r}\times\hat{i}\right) + \left(\vec{r}\cdot\hat{j}\right)\left(\vec{r}\t...
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
Let $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{b}$ be two vectors of magnitude 4 inclined at an angle $\frac{\pi}{3}$, then what is the angle between $\vec{a}$ and $\vec{a} ...
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
What is the length of projection of the vector $\rm \hat{i}+2 \hat{j}+3 \hat{k}$ on the vector $\rm2 \hat{i}+3 \hat{j}-2 \hat{k}$ ?...
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
If $\rm (\vec{a} \times \vec{b})^2+(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b})^2=144$ and $\rm|\vec{b}|=4 $, then what is the value of $\rm|\vec{a}|$ ...
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
If θ is the angle between vectors $\vec{a}$ and $ \vec{b}$ such that $\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b} \geq 0$, then which one of the following is...
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
The vectors $\rm 60 \hat{i}+3 \hat{j}, 40 \hat{i}-8 \hat{j}$ and $\rm \beta \hat{i}-52 \hat{j}$ are collinear if :...
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
Consider the following in respect of the vectors $\rm \vec{a}=(0,1,1)$ and $\rm \vec{b}=(1,0,1) $ : 1. The number of unit&nb...
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is $\vec{b}$ equal to ?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is the angle between $(\vec{a}+\vec{b})$ and $\vec{c}$ ?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is cosα equal to ? 
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is cos2β + cos2γ equal to ? 
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
Consider the following points : 1. (-1, -3, 1) 2. (-1, 3, 2) 3. (-2, 5, 3) Which of the above points lie on the line joining A ...
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is the magnitude of $\overrightarrow{A B}$ ?
NDA Mathematics 4 September 2022
PQRS is a parallelogram. If $\overrightarrow{\text{PR}}=\vec{\text{a}}$ and $\overrightarrow{\text{QS}}=\vec{\text{b}}$, then what is&n...
NDA Mathematics 4 September 2022
Let $\vec{\text{a}}$ and $\vec{\text{b}}$ are two unit vectors such that $\vec{\text{a}}+2 \vec{\text{b}}$ and $5\v...
NDA Mathematics 4 September 2022
Let $\vec{\text{a}}$, $\vec{\text{b}}$ and $\vec{\text{c}}$ be unit vectors lying on the same plane. What is $\{(3\...
NDA Mathematics 4 September 2022
What are the values of x for which the angle between the vectors 2x2$\hat{\text{i}}$ + 3x$\hat{\text{j}}$ + $\hat{\text{k}}$ and&n...
NDA Mathematics 4 September 2022
The position vectors of vertices A, B and C of triangle ABC are respectively $\hat{\text{j}}+\hat{\text{k}}, 3\hat{\text{i}}+\hat{\text{j}+5\hat{...
NDA Mathematics 10 April 2022
If $4\hat i + \hat j - 3\hat k$ and $p\hat i + q\hat j - 2\hat k$ are collinear vectors, then what are the possible values of p and q respectivel...
NDA Mathematics 10 April 2022
If $\vec a, \vec b, \vec c$, are the position vectors of the vertices A, B, C respectively of a triangle ABC and G is the centroid of the triangle, th...
NDA Mathematics 10 April 2022
Consider the following statements : 1. Dot product over vector addition is distributive 2. Cross product over vector addition is distributive 3. Cr...
NDA Mathematics 10 April 2022
Let  $\vec{a}, \vec{b}, \vec{c}$ be three non-zero vectors such that  $\vec{a}\times \vec{b} = \vec{c} $. Consider the following statem...
NDA Mathematics 10 April 2022
Let $\vec a$ and $\vec b$ be two unit vectors such that $|\vec a - \vec b|<2.$ If 2θ is the angle between $\vec a$ and $\vec b,$ then whi...
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