Trigonometric Angles and Equations · Mathematics · NDA

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NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
$$ \text { What is } \frac{\sqrt{3} \cos 10^{\circ}-\sin 10^{\circ}}{\sin 25^{\circ} \cos 25^{\circ}} \text { equal to ? } $$
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
What is $\sin 9^\circ - \cos 9^\circ$ equal to?
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
What is the number of solutions of $(\sin \theta - \cos \theta)^2 = 2$ where $-\pi
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
What is the value of $\sin10^{\circ} \cdot \sin50^{\circ} + \sin50^{\circ} \cdot \sin250^{\circ} + \sin250^{\circ} \cdot \sin10^{\circ}$ equal to?...
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
If $f(\theta)=\frac{1}{1+\tan \theta}$ and $\alpha+\beta=\frac{5\pi}{4}$, then what is the value of $f(\alpha) f(\beta)$?
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
If $\tan \alpha$ and $\tan \beta$ are the roots of the equation $x^2-6x+8=0$, then what is the value of $\cos(2 \alpha+2 \beta)$?
NDA Mathematics 21 April 2024
What is the value of $\tan 65^\circ +2 \tan 45^\circ-2 \tan 40^\circ-\tan 25^\circ$?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
If tan (π cos θ) = cot (π sin θ), $0<\theta<\frac{\pi}{2}$; then what is the value of $8 \sin ^2\left(\theta+\frac{\pi}...
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
If $\tan \alpha=\frac{1}{7}$, $\sin \beta=\frac{1}{\sqrt{10}}$; $0<\alpha, \beta<\frac{\pi}{2}$, then what is the value of cos (α + 2β) ?...
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
What is the period of the function?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
What is the value of p + q?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
What is the value of pq?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
What is pq equal to ?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
For how many values of x does $\frac{1}{p}$ become zero?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
What is a value of sin 3x + sin 3y?
NDA Mathematics 3 September 2023
What is a value of cos3 x + cos3 y?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is cos 2β equal to ?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is the value of sec2γ?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is the minimum value of x ?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
At what value of A does x attain the minimum value ?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
The given equation can be reduced to 
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
If sin2x = a - b√c, where a and b are natural numbers and c is prime number, then what is the value of a - b + 2c ? 
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
What is the least value of m(θ) ?
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
Under what condition does m attain the least value ? 
NDA Mathematics 16 April 2023
If f(x) = x(4x2 - 3), then what is f(sinθ) equal to ?  
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