UPSC Civil Service Prelims Paper II 2023 (CSAT)
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
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The emissions humans put into the atmosphere now will affect the climate in the middle of the century and onwards. Technological change, meanwhile, could make a future transition away from fossil fuels cheap or it might not, leaving the world with a terrible choice between sharply reducing emissions at huge cost or suffering through the effects of unabated warming. Businesses that do not hedge against the threat of uncertain outcomes fail. The world cannot afford such recklessness on climate change.

Which one of the following statements best reflects the crucial message conveyed by the author of the passage?
Businesses that cause emissions may need to close down or pay for pollution in future.
The only solution is technological development related to the issues of climate change.
Waiting to deal with carbon emissions until technology improves is not a wise strategy.
Since future technological change is uncertain, new industries should be based on renewable energy sources.
UPSC Civil Service Prelims Paper II 2023 (CSAT)
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
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Environmental problems cause health problems. Substantial changes in lifestyle can reduce environmental or health problems, but this idea appears almost impossible to adopt. With environmental problems, individual efforts can be perceived as having a negligible effect and therefore lead to inertia. With health, on the other hand, individual choices can make the difference between life and death, literally. And yet, barring a few, there seems to be the same collective lethargy towards making their choices.
Which one of the following statements best implies the most rational assumption that can be made from the passage?
We are likely to spend more money on cure than prevention.
It is the job of the government to solve our environmental and public health problems.
Health can be protected even if environmental problems go on unattended.
Loss of traditional lifestyle and the influence of western values led to some unhealthy ways of living.
UPSC Civil Service Prelims Paper II 2023 (CSAT)
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
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Many people are not eating the right food. For some, it is simply a decision to stick with food they enjoy but which is not too healthy. This is leading to an increase in non-communicable diseases. This in turn leads to major burden on our health-care systems that have the potential to derail the economic progress which is essential for the poor to improve their lives. For others, it is about limited access to nutritious food or a lack of affordability, leading to monotonous diets that do not provide the daily nutrients for them to develop fully. Part of the reason nutrition is under threat worldwide is that our food systems are not properly responding to nutritional needs. Somewhere along that long road from farm to fork, there are serious detours taking place.
Which one of the following statements best reflects the crux of the passage?
The scheme of Universal Basic Income should be implemented worldwide as a way of poverty alleviation.
We must place food-based nutrition at the centre of our policy debate.
Nutritional status of food should be improved by creating appropriate genetically modified crops.
Using modern food processing technologies, we must fortify food items with required nutrient elements.
UPSC Civil Service Prelims Paper II 2023 (CSAT)
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
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To tackle the problem of pollution in cities, policy makers think that drastic actions like temporary use of odd-even number scheme for vehicles, closing schools, factories, construction activities, and banning the use of certain type of vehicles are a way forward. Even then the air is not clean. Vehicles more than 15 years old comprise one percent of the total; and taking them off the road will not make any difference. Banning certain fuels and car types arbitrarily is not proper. Diesel engines produce more PM 2.5 and less CO2 than petrol or CNG engines. On the other hand, both diesel and CNG engines produce more NOx than petrol engines. No one has measured the amount of NOx that CNG engines are emitting. Arbitrary bans on vehicles that have passed mandated fitness tests and periodic pollution tests are unfair. What is needed is the scientific and reliable information about the source of pollutants on a continuing basis and the technologies that will work to reduce pollution from them.
Which one of the following statements best reflects the most logical and rational implication conveyed by the passage?
Arbitrary curbs on vehicles to reduce pollution are difficult to implement.
Knee-jerk reactions cannot solve the problem of pollution but an evidence-based approach will be more effective.
A heavy penalty should be enforced on those driving without periodic pollution tests.
In the absence of laws to deal with the problems of pollution, the administration tends to make arbitrary decisions.
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