Coordination Compounds · Chemistry · BITSAT
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The complex showing a spin-only magnetic moment of $$2.82 \mathrm{~BM}$$ is
The correct statement with respect to the complexes $$\mathrm{Ni}(\mathrm{CO})_4$$ and $$[\mathrm{Ni}(\mathrm{CN})_4]^{2-}$$ is
What is the hybridisation of [CrF6]3$$-$$ ?
Select the correct statement about the complex [Co(NH3)5SO4] Br.
Permanganate ion (MnO$$_4^ - $$) is dark purple coloured though Mn is in + 7 oxidation state with d0 configuration. This is due to
Which is true in case of [Ni(CO)4]?
Magnetic moment of in [Co(F6)]2$$-$$ of unpaired electron .......... .
According to IUPAC nomenclature sodium nitroprusside is named as
In qualitative analysis when H2S is passed through an aqueous solution of salt acidified with dilute HCl, a black ppt. is obtained. On boiling the precipitate with dil. HNO3, it forms a solution of blue colour. Addition of excess of aqueous solution of NH3 to this solution gives
Identify the incorrect statement regarding the complex [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3.