Galvanization is a method of protecting iron from rusting by coating with a thin layer of
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which one of the following alloys contains a non-metal as one of its constituent?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Buckminster fullerene, which looks like a football, is an allotropic form of
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which one of the following processes involves chemical reaction?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which one of the following metals does NOT react with cold water to liberate hydrogen gas?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
A liquid is heated up to a certain temperature. Which one of the following situation would correspond to the boiling of the liquid?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which one of the following is NOT an example of organic compound?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which one of the following acid is used by goldsmith for cleaning of gold and silver articles?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
What is the action of litmus on ethanol?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which one of the following metal is NOT an essential component in stainless steel?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which one of the following metals can be extracted using carbon as reducing agent?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Which among the following is NOT true with respect to colloidal solution?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Kerosene and petrol mixture can be best separated by
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
As proposed by Dalton, which of the following symbol represents phosphorus?
NDA General Ability 3 September 2023
Who among the following is not a recipient of Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2022?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which of the hydrocarbons are arranged as per the increasing order of their boiling points?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which one of the following apparatus is used for separating benzene and water mixture?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
An iron nail dipped in copper sulphate solution turns brown. This is due to which one of the following types of reactions?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Toothpaste prevents tooth decay by:
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which one of the following statements about X-rays is not true?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
What is the specific purpose of using potassium hydroxide during the saponification process?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which one of the following is the correct arrangement of metals in the decreasing order of their reactivity?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which among the following statements is not correct with respect to allotropes of Carbon?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which among the following is the popular method for manufacture of ammonia?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
For manufacturing of glass, which among the following is used as a source of silica?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which among the following is the correct arrangement of halogens in the increasing order of their oxidizing nature?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Copper sulphate crystals available in the market are blue coloured crystals. By careful heating, they turn to white colour. Which one of the following is responsible for the blue colour?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Equal volume of all gases, when measured at the same temperature and pressure, contain an equal number of particles. Who proposed the above law?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Airbags work on the principle of a chemical reaction triggered by the impact producing a gaseous product that causes a sudden volume change. Which one among the following chemical conversions is responsible for this?
NDA General Ability 16 April 2023
Which one of the following is the correct reactivity series with water?
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Which one of the following metals floats in cold water?
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Which one of the following solutions is not capable of conducting electricity?
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Which of the following compounds undergoes/undergo thermal decomposition?
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Silver artifacts get tarnished in the air due to the formation of
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Which one of the following salts does not possess water of crystallization?
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Bee sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation. The acid released is
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Liquid vegetable oils are converted to solid margarine by the use of
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
The number of structural isomers of pentane is
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Vapours of sulphur escaping from a volcano often form a crust on the rocks. The process involved is an example of
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Dry ice is used on a performing stage to produce mist in air. The process involved is an example of
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
C4H8 belongs to the homologous series of
NDA General Ability 4 September 2022
Which one of the following is the correct molecular formula of ammonium carbonate if the valency of ammonium ion is (+1) and carbonate anion is (-2)?
NDA General Ability 10 April 2022
Common salt (NaCl) is not used as a raw material for preparation of which one of the following compounds?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
LED (a semi-conductor device) is an abbreviation that stands for
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which one of the following is the chemical formula of Hypobromous acid?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which one of the following is not used as a raw material in the manufacture of glass?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
In electrolytic refining of copper, the electrolyte is a solution of
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which one of the following statements about dihydrogen (H2) is not correct?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which of the following sets of elements has the same valency?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
The process whereby certain minerals absorb water, expand and change is called as
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which one of the following statements about the cleansing action of soap is not true?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Hydrogenation of vegetable oils using nickel catalyst is an example of
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which one of the following materials is not an allotrope of carbon ?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which one of the following reactions does not result in the evolution of hydrogen gas?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Which one of the following acids is predominantly found in tomatoes?
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021
Reaction of quick lime (CaO) with water to produce slaked lime (Ca(OH)2) is an example of
NDA General Ability 18 April 2021