SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3
Paper was held on Wed, Jul 26, 2023 10:00 AM
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English Comprehension


Parts of the following sentence have been given as options. Select the option that contains an error.

My mother is a honest and well known woman in the society.


Sentences of a paragraph are given below. While the first and the last sentences (S1 and S6) are in the correct order, the sentences in between are jumbled up. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

S1. A moment comes

A. long suppressed

B. and when the soul of a nation

C. which comes but rarely in history

D. when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends

S6. finds utterance.

Identify the sentence that contains no spelling errors.

Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

In a soup


Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word.

They praised her for her bravery.


Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.



Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.



Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.

A. The 1995 World Summit for Social Development had also emphasised the pivotal role of women in eradicating poverty and mending the social fabric.

B. Women are rational in approach, careful in handling situations and want to do things as best as possible.

C. The Fourth World Conference of Women held in Beijing in September 1995 had emphasised that no enduring solution of society’s most threatening social, economic and political problems could be found without the participation and empowerment of the women.

D. Today’s woman is a highly self-directed person, alive to the sense of her dignity and the importance of her functions in the private domestic domain and the public domain of the world of work.


Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the underlined words in the given sentence.

Being a practiced liar, it was totally normal for him to utter a complete and blatant lie.


Select the option that contains a grammatical error in the underlined portion.

He was always been a grumpy man so I never liked him and avoided his company.


Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.

A person who does not drink alcohol.

Describe how you will tell your parents that Suraj is loved by Siva in active voice.
Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.

Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the underlined word in the given sentence.

I confronted the journalist with the evidence.


Select the most appropriate idiom/phrase that can substitute the given group of words.

The better you know someone the less you like him.


Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.



Select the option that expresses the given sentence in passive voice.

The French had regarded the scholar as a usurper.


Select the most appropriate word segment for the underlined word in the given sentence.

Pintu has been advised to reduce smoking by his family doctor.


Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute for the given group of words.

Something belonging to or surviving from an earlier period


Select the most appropriate synonym of the underlined word.

The internationally agreed Declaration of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Accelerated Modalities of Action, the so-called S.A.M.O.A Pathway, recognises that SIDS remains a special case for sustainable development in view of their unique and particular vulnerabilities.

Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no. 1.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no. 2.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no. 3.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no. 4.
Select the most appropriate option to fill in blank no. 5.

General Awareness

In January 2023, the legislative bill providing ________ reservation to women in state government jobs has been approved by Uttarakhand Governor, Lt Gen (Retd.) Gurmit Singh.
Butan-2-ol is a:
Indian musician Ravi Shankar won his first Grammy Award in 1968 for best chamber music performance for which of the following works done by him?
Which of the following rivers does NOT flow in Kerala State?
Celebrated every year, the Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra Award festival is named after the famous classical dancer of which of the following dance forms?
Under which Constitutional Amendment, the State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children from the age of six to fourteen years?
The outermost cover of plant cells is/are known as ________.
Guruvayur Ekadashi is the cultural festival of which Indian state?
The Western cyclonic disturbance originates over ________.
Who along with Arthur Compton received the Nobel Prize in 1927 for the development of the cloud chamber for the detection of charged particles?
Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the Parliament to establish additional courts for better administration of laws made by it?
Census in India was first started under ________ in the year 1872.
Who wrote ‘Gift to Monotheists’ in Persian to denounce the belief in many Gods?
Identify an organism that exhibits metagenesis.
Magadha Mahajanapada was surrounded by the rivers ________.
Lai Haraoba is the earliest form of which of the following classical dances of India?
Who among the following became the first fast bowler to take up captaincy of the Australian men’s Test side full-time in November 2021?
Small scale units are differentiated from large scale units on the basis of:
Where did IISCO (Indian Iron and Steel Company) set up its first factory?
The number of flights in a 110 m hurdle race is ________.
Which of the following countries won the highest number of golds in Paralympic-2020?
Primarily under whose persuasion did Mahatma Gandhi visit Champaran to understand the problems of peasants?
Which State Assembly passed a resolution to create a Legislative Council in 2021?
Which of the following is an example of revenue receipt of the government?
He was a Delhi Sultan who started the practice of Sijada and Paibos in the court. Who was he?

General Intelligence and Reasoning


Select the word-pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the pair of words given below.

Energy : Joule


Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed at the right side of the figure.

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 General Intelligence and Reasoning - Space Visualization Question 7 English


Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set.

(NOTE: Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into their constituent digits. E.g. 13 - Operations on 13 such as adding / substracting / multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)

(7, 15, 11)

(9, 19, 14)


Select the option that represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in an English dictionary.

1. Strategy

2. Strength

3. Stranger

4. Stretch

5. Struggle

6. Strange


Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed at MN as shown below.

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 General Intelligence and Reasoning - Spatial Orientation Question 5 English


Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 General Intelligence and Reasoning - Non-verbal Series Question 6 English


Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster and the fourth letter-cluster is related to the third letter-cluster.

BET : UXM :: SYP : LRI :: HOX : ?


Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster and the fourth letter-cluster is related to the third letter cluster.



Which letter-cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?



Looking at a photograph, Reema says, “This boy’s father is the father of my daughter”. How is the boy related to Reema’s daughter?


Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when the mirror is placed at MN as shown below.

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 General Intelligence and Reasoning - Spatial Orientation Question 4 English

Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the odd letter-cluster.

Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to sequentially replace the * signs and balance the given equation.

76 * 4 * 26 * 13 * 9 * 62


Select the figure from the options that can replace the question mark (?) and complete the given pattern.

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 General Intelligence and Reasoning - Observation Question 2 English


Which of the following interchanges of signs would make the given equation correct?

1000 - 448 + 14 ÷ 15 × 2 = 998


Which two signs and two numbers should be interchanged in the following equation to make it correct?

15 ÷ 80 - 34 + 10 × 8 = 102


Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the given set.

(NOTE : Operations should be performed on the whole numbers, without breaking down the numbers into its constituent digits. E.g. 13 - Operations on 13 such as adding/subtracting/multiplying etc. to 13 can be performed. Breaking down 13 into 1 and 3 and then performing mathematical operations on 1 and 3 is not allowed.)

(4, 81, 5)

(3, 144, 9)

The second number in the given number-pairs is obtained by performing certain mathematical operation(s) on the first number. The same operation(s) is/are followed in all the number-pairs, except one. Find that odd number-pair.

Three statements are followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to consider these statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Decide which of the given conclusions logically follow(s) from the given statements.


All tools are spanners.

Some spanners are utensils.

No spanner is an iron.


(I) Some tools are irons.

(II) Some utensils are tools.

(III) Some utensils are not iron.


Three statements are given followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.


All cancers are diseases.

All tuberculosis are diseases.

All diseases are curable.


I. All tuberculosis are curable.

II. Some cancers are tuberculosis.

III. All cancers are curable.

In a certain code language, “XPDJOA” is written as “DPXAOJ” and “THBRUC” is written as “BHTCUR”. How will “GILDZM” be written in that language?

The sequence of folding a piece of paper and the manner in which the folded paper has been cut is shown below. Select the figure which would most closely resemble the unfolded form of the paper.

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 General Intelligence and Reasoning - Space Visualization Question 6 English


Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?

214, 207, 193, ?, 144, 109


Select the option that is related to the fourth term in the same way as the first term is related to the second term and the fifth term is related to the sixth term.

17 : 4624 :: ? : 180 :: 13 : 2028

In a certain code language, ‘SLAP’ is coded as ‘3160’ and ‘PAST’ is coded as ‘6071’. What is the code for ‘L’ in the given code language?

Quantitative Aptitude

If a 7-storey building has a 28 m long shadow, the number of storeys of the building whose shadow is 48 m long is:
10 women take 16 days to complete a work which can be completed by 6 men in 8 days. 12 men started working and after 2 days 6 men left, and 5 women joined them. In how many days will the work be completed?
What is the present worth of Rs. 1,100 due in 2 years at 5% simple interest per annum?
If $\rm cos x + sec x = {7 \over2 \sqrt3}$, then the value of cos2x + sec2x will be ________.
Find the value of ${\cos^215^{\circ} - \sin^215^{\circ}} \over{\cos^2145^{\circ} + \sin^2145^{\circ}}$
Find the area of an equilateral triangle whose sides are 16 cm each.
When a number is divided by 45, the remainder is 21. What will be the remainder when the number is divided by 15?
If $\rm tan A = {3 \over 8},$ then the value of ${3 \sin A + 2 \cos A} \over 3 \sin A - 2 \cos A$ is:
Rajdhani Express train of length 108 m is running at the speed of 128 km/h. Another train of length 148 m is standing at the station. In what time will the Rajdhani Express cross the other train?
The value of ${2 \over 3} - {5 \over 6} \times {4 \over 5} \div {4 \over 3} + {1 \over 2}$ is:
tan 4384° + cot 6814° = ?
The marked price of an article is 40% above its cost price. If its selling price is $73{1 \over 2}$% of the marked price, then the percentage profit is:

The following graph shows the number of illiterates in different states of a country in the year 2021.

Total illiterates in 4 states = 4,50,000

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 Quantitative Aptitude - Bar Chart & Pie chart Question 3 English
What is the percentage of the total number of illiterates in A, B and C to the illiterates in D in 2021?

In a triangle ABC, the three angles are x, y and y + 10°. Also, 2x - 4y = 20°. Which type of triangle is ABC?
X , Y and Z can complete a work in 5 days, 15 days and 30 days, respectively. In how days can the work be completed if X is assisted by Y and Z together, on every second day?
Sita sold a whiteboard marker set at 10% profit. On selling it for Rs. 20 more, she would have earned a profit of 15%. What is the cost price of the whiteboard marker set?
Abraham can complete a work in 9 days, while Andrew can complete the same work in 6 days. In how many days can they complete the work if they work together?
A cyclist rides 20 km in 120 minutes and rides another 25 km in 150 minutes. What is the average speed of the cyclist, in km/h?
If $(x + {1\over x}) = \sqrt6 $, and x > 1, what is the value of $(x^8 - {1 \over x^8}) $?
A father gives 8% of his monthly income to both his sons as pocket money. The elder son gets 85% of the total amount given to both sons. He spends 90% of the amount and saves Rs. 17. What is the monthly income of his father?

Study the given bar-chart and answer the question that follows.

The bar-chart shows the production of maize by a state (in 1000 tonnes) over the years.

SSC CGL Tier I - 26th July 2023 Shift 3 Quantitative Aptitude - Bar Chart & Pie chart Question 2 English
What was the percentage increase in the production of maize in 2019 compared to that in 2017?

If the side of a cubical box is 12 cm, then find its total surface area.
If b = 5, determine the value of an expression $({5 \over b} + 5b)$ $({25 \over b^2} - 25 + 25b^2)$ using an identity.
If $(x - {1 \over x}) = 10,$ what is the value of $(x^4 - {1 \over x^4})$?
A, B and C can finish a work in 15 days working alternately in the same order. The efficiency of A is the same as that of B, and the efficiency of C is equal to that of A. In how many days will the work be finished if they work alternately in the order C, A and B?
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