CBSE 12th Physics Outside Delhi Set 1 - 2023
Paper was held on Mon, Mar 6, 2023 5:00 AM
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The magnitude of the electric field due to a point charge object at a distance of $$4.0 \mathrm{~m}$$ is $$9 \frac{\math
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A point $$P$$ lies at a distance $$x$$ from the mid point of an electric dipole on its axis. The electric potential at p
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A current of 0.8 A flows in a conductor of $$40 \Omega$$ for 1 minute. The heat produced in the conductor will be
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A cell of emf $$E$$ is connected across an external resistance $$R$$. When current '$$I$$' is drawn from the cell, the p
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Beams of electrons and protons move parallel to each other in the same direction. They
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A long straight wire of radius '$$a$$' carries a steady current $$I$$. The current is uniformly distributed across its a
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$$\vec{E}$$ and $$\vec{B}$$ represent the electric and the magnetic field of an electro- magnetic wave respectively. The
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A ray of monochromatic light propagating in air, is incident on the surface of water. Which of the following will be the
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A beam of light travels from air into a medium. Its speed and wavelength in the medium are $$1.5 \times 10^8\mathrm{ms}^
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Which one of the following metals does not exhibit emission of electrons from its surface when irradiated by visible lig
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A hydrogen atom makes a transition from $$n=5$$ to $$n=1$$ orbit. The wavelength of photon emitted is $$\lambda$$. The w
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The curve of binding energy per nucleon as a function of atomic mass number has a sharp peak for helium nucleus. This im
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In an extrinsic semiconductor, the number density of holes is $$4 \times 10^{20} \mathrm{~m}^{-3}$$. If the number densi
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Pieces of copper and of silicon are initially at room temperature. Both are heated to temperature T. The conductivity of
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The formation of depletion region in a $$p$$-$$n$$ junction diode is due to
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Assertion (A) : Diamagnetic substances exhibit magnetism. Reason (R) : Diamagnetic materials do not have permanent magne
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Assertion (A) : Work done in moving a charge around a closed path, in an electric field is always zero. Reason (R) : Ele
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Assertion (A) : In Young's double slit experiment all fringes are of equal width. Reason (R) : The fringe width depends
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Briefly explain why and how a galvanometer is converted into an ammeter.
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(a) How are infrared waves produced? Why are these waves referred to as heat waves? Give any two uses of infrared waves.
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In the given figure the radius of curvature of curved face in the plano-convex and the plano-concave lens is $$15 \mathr
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What happens to the interference pattern when two coherent sources are (a) infinitely close, and (b) far apart from each
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(a) What is meant by ionisation energy? Write its value for hydrogen atom. OR (b) Define the term, mass defect. How is i
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Draw energy band diagram for an $$n$$-type and $$p$$-type semiconductor at $$\mathrm{T}>0 \mathrm{~K}$$.
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Answer the following giving reasons: (i) A $$p$$-$$n$$ junction diode is damaged by a strong current. (ii) Impurities ar
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(a) Two charged conducting spheres of radii $$a$$ and $$b$$ are connected to each other by a wire. Find the ratio of the
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Define current density and relaxation time. Derive an expression for resistivity of a conductor in terms of number densi
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A series CR circuit with $$R=200 \Omega$$ and $$C=(50 / \pi)$$ $$\mu \mathrm{F}$$ is connected across an ac source of pe
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Define critical angle for a given pair of media and total internal reflection. Obtain the relation between the critical
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(a) (i) Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion giving an example of each. (ii) Explain the release of energy in
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(a) (i) Use Gauss' law to obtain an expression for the electric field due to an infinitely long thin straight wire with
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(a) (i) Define coefficient of self-induction. Obtain an expression for self-inductance of a long solenoid of length $$l$
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(a) (i) State Huygen's principle. With the help of a diagram, show how a plane wave is reflected from a surface. Hence,
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(a) Consider the experimental set up shown in the figure. This jumping ring experiment is an outstanding demonstration o
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(a) Figure shows the variation of photoelectric current measured in a photo cell circuit as a function of the potential
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