Vocabulary · English Proficiency · BITSAT
MCQ (Single Correct Answer)
The discovery of treasure under the Bermuda Triangle is probably a $$\underline {hoax} $$.
He gave a large amount of donation for flood victims and everyone appreciated his $$\underline{magnanimous}$$ act.
Critical explanation or interpretation of a text, especially of scripture
Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale.
$$\underline {Forthrightness} $$ in speech may not always be a desirable quality.
The $$\underline {inexorable} $$ demands of the workers brought the company to a closure.
The complex form of the sentence given below would be
Spare the rod and spoil the child.
The attack on the freedom of the press is a $$retrograde$$ step.
The leader might have had some $$covert$$ reason for the change of his political affiliations.
Regard for other as a principle of action or selflessly.
Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence is
Decay is an $$\underline {immutable} $$ factor of human life.
It was an $$\underline {ignominious} $$ defect for the team.
His $$\underline {conjecture} $$ was the better than mine.
The Gupta rulers patronised all cultural activities and thus Gupta period was called the golden era in Indian History.
This is a barbarous act.
A person who does not believe in any religion
A person who believes that pleasure is the chief good
One who loves mankind
Yuvraj Singh is suffering from a BENIGN cancer.
He is a NOTED figure of film industry.
SAGACIOUS decisions taken at right time in one's career has long effects.
The actor got 'PEEVISH' on asking personal questions.
The engineer 'ROUGHED OUT' his ideas on a piece of paper while he talked.